Be Bold Begin

Letting Go With Gratitude Episode 29



If you're like me, your overwhelm can get the best of you...and if you also create obligations that only YOU are aware of or care if you complete then you are DEFINITELY like me or at least you are in this case. Join me as I talk about letting go of those self-created obligations that cease to serve their purpose and walking away from them with a reflection of gratitude. What did you gain? I bet it was more than you thought even if the experience didn't look the way you'd hoped. See, I'm a recovering perfectionist and it decided to find it's way into my work recently but I won in the end! Listen for a few tips that might help.  Other episodes with tools on this topic: The Key To Accessing Positive Energy Is Gratitude Tip#5 How Tapping Into The Essence Of What You Have Will Bring What You Desire Tip#13 Inner Gratitude Is Powerful Episode 15 Permission To Rest Tip #16 Heal Your Overwhelm With Small Steps Tip #18 For more support, join our Facebook Group designated to this podcast also called Be Bold Begin.  Sta