Be Bold Begin

Credit Reports: YOU ARE ENOUGH! Tip #22



This quick tool can help with being in the moment and energy of where you are and knowing that wherever that enough. It raises awareness and makes space for more observation, gratitude and enough-ness!  For more support, join our Facebook Group designated to this podcast also called Be Bold Begin.  Stay safe and healthy out there. We’re going to get through this together.  Don’t forget to subscribe wherever you get your podcasts so as not to miss an episode. Due to the unusual circumstances our release schedule will not be set to a specific day currently, so the best way to ensure you get all the new episodes is by subscribing. *Sharing this podcast with another person is a great way to help someone who is feeling overwhelm, anxiety, or fear right now. You can also follow me on Instagram @thebarsi or on Twitter @cbarsi1 for more positivity and podcast goings-ons. Visit our company website or to create your login to get your FREE Podcasting From Abundance Course