Ever Vigilant



Ever Vigilant- Our Mission: to encourage and challenge men to prepare, defend, and lead at home and in their communities.


  • Christmas Special 2021 - Joseph Cartwright | EV ReRun

    19/12/2021 Duration: 43min

    A special EV ReRun of our Christmas Special with Joseph Cartwright. In this episode, I was joined by my good friend Joseph Cartwright, back in 2018. I asked Joseph to join me for a special Christmas episode, and he did not disappoint. Reminding us that Jesus didn't stay a baby, that his arrival was foretold hundreds of years earlier. Most importantly we talk about why he came and how the story that started thousands of years ago was all about YOU, and your redemption. God Bless you all and I pray that you and your family have a blessed Christmas. PrepareDefendLead.com

  • Three Rings of Security - Mark Booher | EV RERun

    14/12/2021 Duration: 51min

    As we round out the year, I am spending time with family and preparing for 2022. I give a quick debrief of the Inaugural Strength thru Adversity 12 Hr Walk and then we jump into an episode that I recorded several years ago with my friend Mark Booher. Mark is a firearms and security expert and he presents his versatile concept of the Three Rings of Security. This is what Mark knows and it shows in this episode. If you are looking for firearms or security training https://www.barritusdefense.com To keep up with PDL, my book, and other shenanigans https://hy.page/preparedefendlead

  • Without Risk There Is No Reward

    06/12/2021 Duration: 36min

    My Motto for 2021 was "without fear there is no risk and without risk there is no reward. Living out this motto though 2021 has lead to a mountain of failures and few significant rewards. The greatest lesson learned this experience is that I am no longer afraid to fail. Most are living a life of safety, fearing failure. Fear of failure is playing not to loose, rather than playing to win. New jobs aren't found, and old relationships aren't repaired by playing not to loose. Lessons learned from a year of failures. 1. It is not a failure if you learn something 2. Failure is going to hurt, that's OK your mission is greater than your pain. 3. Screw your Ego! Ego is the enemy and will hold you down. 4. There will be a cost, what are you willing to sacrifice to get what you want? 5. Fail, Fail, Fail, and do it again, eventually you will realize that failures don't define you. PDL EVENTS | Inaugural Strength Thru Adversity Ruck 12/11/2021 6AM - 6PM Lampasas, Texas | New Year/New Man Live Webinar 12/27/2021 | F

  • Finding Freedom | Lucas Rubix

    29/11/2021 Duration: 48min

    In this episode I have a conversation with entrepreneur, coach, and new expat. Lucas Rubix. He is an addict to all things tea, fast wifi, crazy dreams, busting through limiting beliefs, talking about god, and helping coaches and experts change the world in their own special and unique way. He is the founder of the Coaches University, the only in-depth ‘stay until you get paid’ coaching program designed specifically for coaches looking to build a profitable long-term online coaching business. He is also the host of the Coaches Corner Podcast, a Top Ten Rated Business and Marketing Podcast for Coaches looking to grow a passionate, predictable and profitable online coaching business. _______________________________________________________________ No One is Coming to Save You! Uncover the Hero within, free yourself from the lies, fears and expectations of others that are holding you back. The Six Life Changing Principles will help you understand exactly where change needs to take place and will serve as wayp

  • Attitude of Gratitude

    22/11/2021 Duration: 20min

    Gratitude is a way of life not a list. It's easy to be thankful for the good things in life, anyone can say that they are grateful for their health, home, and family. If you want to leverage gratitude in your life, you will need to dig deeper. You must be grateful for even the the difficult ad challenging times in life. Two keys to making gratitude a way of life. 1. Open your mind to the realization that out of adversity accelerated growth can occur. 2. Open your mind to the ongoing inner dialogue in your mind. As we celebrate Thanksgiving here in the United States this week, let's take a deeper look at ourselves and the role that gratitude plays in our lives and in how we grow and interact with those we love. -------------------------------------------------- You are stuck. You're sick and tired of being the nice guy. You're troubled by your shallow relationships with your wife and children. You're afraid of failing and you hide in your comfort zone. You're haunted by being reactive vs. proact

  • Send Me | Rick Bennett

    14/11/2021 Duration: 52min

    In this episode I have a great conversation with Rick Bennett. When I started my conversation with Rick I was under the assumption that his excellent devotional Send Me would be the focus of our conversation. You know what they say about assuming, and the old maxim proved true once again. But in this case I am fortunate that it did, and the story of how Rick came to write this devotional is a good one. Rick felt a call to serve his community and joined his local police dept. as a reserve deputy, Rick later took a leap of faith and walked away from an established well paying career to follow a calling to a purpose bigger than himself by moving to another state to become a full time officer. In his short career as an officer he once again saw and opportunity to serve his new community of first responders and military personal by writing Send Me. Rick is a great example that it is never to late to change things up, make a move and to commit to serving others. This will require a step of faith and sacrifice, bu

  • War on Men - Paul Curtman | EV RERun

    07/11/2021 Duration: 59min

    Well, I screwed up and lost the audio for my last two interviews. Two! I know, I know, but my mistake is your gain. I dug deep into the archives of my previous podcast, Ever Vigilant to find one of my favorite episodes. One of the benefits to doing a podcast for so long is the treasure trove of content hidden in the deepest recesses of my hard drive. This conversation was based on an article by Paul Curtman. The article blew my mind the first time I read it and Paul was kind enough to join me on EV to talk about it. I believe that this podcast will surprise you as you realize that there is nothing new under the sun. Paul Curtman is a veteran of the U. S. Marine Corps, where he served in support of Operation Enduring Freedom and the Global War on Terror as an infantry squad leader. He is also an author and frequent speaker at political events having spoken all across the nation from Washington DC to Los Angeles. Paul is a strong advocate for personal freedom, sound financial principles and free markets. He

  • 3 Keys to Level Up Your Communication Skills

    01/11/2021 Duration: 44min

    3 Keys to Level Up Your Communication Skills Do you have a habit of saying things that you don't want to say and not saying the thing that you should? Do you struggle with long time-wasting meetings? Do you struggle with your marriage due to miscommunication? Are you unclear in your communication with your kids? As most men move further and further away good communication in this brave new world. I believe that it is more important than ever that we focus in and level up our skills in this area. If we value relationship communication is necessary, and the better that we are in this area the better that our relationships will function. Intention- Know what you want to say, be brief and clear! Empathy- Meet others where they are, each of us is different. Empathy goes a long way to bridging that gap. It doesn't mean you agree, only that you are making an effort to see their perspective. Honesty- The truth hurts, lies kill. Nothing can be truly resolved with out honesty. Honest conversation, questions and

  • Fueling an Inferno as We Watch the World Die

    25/10/2021 Duration: 53min

    I share my thoughts on what is going on in the world around us. There is chaos, fear, and an uncertain future as we grapple with a struggling nation. My objective is to add fuel to the fire in your heart or to feed that small ember to grow into an inferno. We were put here is this time, and in this place for a reason. I see an inferno growing that will stand together on a hill to shed light into the deepest darkest crevices and expose those lurking in the shadows that desire to taint and destroy all that is righteous, pure, and good. I touch on my book, the story of the emperor's new clothes, and the Game of Thrones series to illiterate what I see happening. I made a promise that PDL would never be a bitch-fest, or a show that solely shared info or opinions. This podcast is a consistent reminder that no one is coming to save you and that you need to focus on improving yourself so I wrap up the episode with the 4 As from my book these will help in the evaluation of where you are and where you should be he

  • 4 Steps to Lasting Change

    18/10/2021 Duration: 34min

    You want to make change in your life, but continue to fail in making it last. You are not content with the man in the mirror. Yet you struggle to make the lasting changes that you need to make not only for yourself but also for those that are important for you. 1. Identify- Be honest with yourself, be sure that you know the change to make in order to get the results that you need. 2. Solution- Investigate, educate yourself on the best way for you to solve your issue. You don't know everything, if this change is important to you invest the time to learn. 3. Plan- You must be realistic and specific, set up a plan that you can follow and that will help you accomplish the long term change you desire. 4. Commit- This is something that you want/need, do it. Don't set yourself up to quit. Quitting is a bad habit. Failing is acceptable, quitting isn't. Hit the link below for links to https://hy.page/preparedefendlead

  • 7 Ways to Declare Freedom

    11/10/2021 Duration: 40min

    I love dogs. They have been a big part of my life and serve a purpose. They make me smile, bring joy, teach responsibility, and my big dog Brutus will tear your throat out if you mess with my kids. But, they have NO Freedom, NO Freewill. Good dogs do as they are told, or face the consequences, in return for free stuff Heath care Shelter Food/Water Giving your responsibilities to others, minimizes your freedom! Free men look at and live their life differently from their domesticated countrymen. Take back responsibility in these seven areas and take back your freedom at the same time. Free Wolf/Men v. Domesticated Dog/Men Food. Dogs wait to be fed/Wolves go get what they want Education. Dogs give up their young to outsiders/Wolves train their young to survive Protection. Dogs can rarely defend themselves/Wolves are highly skilled in protecting their own Tribe. Dogs none/Wolves epitomize this ideal with their pack Health. Dogs fed processed food, little exercise/Wolves eat natural foods, never stop Pre

  • Three Reasons to Stop Living as a Lone Wolf

    04/10/2021 Duration: 34min

    No one is coming to save you! Most of you have no one that you trust, no one to help, no one to hold you to a standard, no one to talk to,............. As you endure the paradigm shift that has rocked the sense of balance in our nation and the world as a whole. I believe that you no longer have the luxury of living as a lone wolf. It is imperative that you solidify the foundations of your existing relationships and invest the time, and energy into building a tribe of like minded men. Three reasons why you need to invest into building your tribe. 1. Teaching/Learning- You need to share your experience for the benefit of others, while leveraging their experience for your own benefit. 2. Standards- You will benefit from being held to and holding others to a high standard, but this is a result of respect and trust. Trust and respect must be earned accountability is the by-product. 3. Help- From time to time you will need help, there is no better way to strengthen a friendship than to help others in a time

  • Heroes Wanted

    27/09/2021 Duration: 29min

    NO ONE IS COMING TO SAVE YOU! Where you are today in your life is a result of your beliefs, and the actions that you have taken based on your beliefs. As a boy we all looked up to our heroes, whether they won games, saved lives, hurt bad people, or explored the far reaches of the universe. You were sure that this was what your future would hold as a man. Somewhere along the line the comforts and the distractions of modern life grabbed hold and apathy has slowly squeezed the life out of you. Rather than step into arena to face the enemy (yourself), you sedate your pain and hide your frustrations with politics, video games, sports, porn, Netflix, work or anyone of a million other possibilities. These distractions serve as an escape from the reality that you have created for yourself, yet you despise. You blame your wife, your kids, or your growing responsibilities at work for where you find yourself today. But deep down you know. You know that there is no one to blame but yourself and as you begin to take

  • Three Keys to Family Meetings

    19/09/2021 Duration: 18min

    I believe that the home must be made a fortress, a place safe and secure, a buttress fortified against the storms assailing from outside. It is our responsibility to build a sanctuary of peace and calm from the storms and the zombie hordes that dwell outside the walls of our castle. We need to create a definite difference between what goes on outside, and what goes on inside our home, our fortress. Our homes are often filled with as much or with more chaos and disorder than there is outside the four walls of your home. Our homes are in dire need of leadership, and that means YOU. Meetings are important at work, at church, and in the community, but far to often only happen in our family when big trouble arises. These are the three keys that I use to make family meetings worth while, productive, and even enjoyable. 1. Keep it brief and orderly, short and sweet and to the point. 2. Cover issues, schedule, and concerns. 3. Each member must be allowed and opportunity to share, in order to keep this in line wi

  • Do you want, what you say you want?

    12/09/2021 Duration: 23min

    Do you want what you say you want? Do your actions reflect your thoughts? If someone judged you based on your actions for a week would it align with what you say? Three keys to to stop spinning your wheels and actually make progress. 1. What do you want? Sounds simple, but most men don't know have an honest, thought out answer to this question. Take the time, pray, meditate, think, ask, but you must have clarity in what it is that you want. 2. What are you willing to sacrifice to get it? With the clarity from step one, acknowledge what is standing in the way and honestly decide if you are actually willing to give it up. If you are not willing to make the sacrifice necessary, now you know and can stop lying to yourself. If you are proceed to step three. 3. You know what you want, you know what's standing in your way, now is the time to act. Give up what is standing in your way, walk away (or run), stop immediately doing what you have decided to sacrifice, set up a plan (gym membership, life coach, diet p

  • Problem Solved

    06/09/2021 Duration: 22min

    Life is a series of problem solving exercises, the more tools you have and the further outside of the box you are willing to think the more options that you will have. Are you overwhelmed, and frustrated by the seemingly endless string of problems that you are encountering in your life? 1. Stop worrying about things that are out of your control, or don't matter. Even if these affect you in one way or another, if you do not have direct control. Put them to the side and focus on the things you do control 2. Prioritize what problem or issue that must be resolved first, second, third, etc. and set the steps and actions required to solve the issue even one baby step at a time. Do not get ahead of yourself, or get overwhelmed by the next step, focus on what you are working on. 3.Take action, fail, learn, Take action, fail, learn, Take action fail, ask questions, seek advice, take action etc, etc,..... Don't let the fear of failing keep you from attempting to solve the problem. Don't allow yourself to get caught

  • Same Vision, Evolving Mission

    04/08/2021 Duration: 27min

    I haven't put out a podcast for a couple of weeks, I recorded this IG Live and converted it to a podcast as well to give a bit of an explanation. The sound is a little rough and I did it unscripted, and straight from the heart (Gorilla Traffic Cast Style...if you know, you know). The vision for what I am trying to create only becomes clearer, and the mission has continued to evolve and will continue to evolve as I change and new opportunities arise. The next evolution will be coaching, this will give me an opportunity to serve others in a more personal way, to encourage and challenge other men to raise their game both for themselves and those that they love. I will continue to create content and share my experiences with you, as I get things going and continue to build out my coaching program, don't stay on the sidelines. Join me, and get involved. DM me on IG, FB or email me if you are interested in coaching, or let me know where you are struggling. I am for you. Prepare. Defend. Lead. Your Mission. Ow

  • Late to the Game Outdoors w/Eric Voris

    19/07/2021 Duration: 01h24min

    Some of you will remember Eric Voris as a frequent guest on Ever Vigilant. I was excited to have Eric on PDL for the first time and our conversation did not disappoint. Eric is an avid hunter, but came to appreciate hunting at a later age than many. Late to the Game Outdoors was born out of his struggle to figure out how to deal with that inner “primal man” we all still have. Through his videos, writing, podcast and new book 'How to Hunt: A Total Beginner's Guide to Hunting Big Game' he seeks to make hunting as accessible to everyone as possible. https://latetothegameoutdoors.com/ https://preparedefendlead.com/

  • A Brave New World w/ Rod Lampard

    12/07/2021 Duration: 01h40min

    My Guest in this episode is a Christian, Father, HomeSchool Dad and writer for Caldron Pool. He was an incredible guest on an episode of Ever Vigilant a couple of years ago. I wanted to have him back to speak on the virus and how have played out and continue to develop in Australia. Rod wears his beliefs on his sleeve, but shares his concerns and beliefs in a constructive well thought out and empathetic manner. I really gained alot from this great conversation and believe that you will too. Find my new book OPEN: Six Life Changing Principles at amazon.com or preparedefendlead.com

  • The Journey

    05/07/2021 Duration: 36min

    My 5 favorite things about Texas The journey is has a way of testing your worthiness and commitment to the destination (goal). You will be tested, and challenged, at times every step of the way. Find OPEN: Six Life Changing Principles on Amazon.com or at PrepareDefendLead.com

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