Ever Vigilant



Ever Vigilant- Our Mission: to encourage and challenge men to prepare, defend, and lead at home and in their communities.


  • Providing, Protecting, Hunting, and Heroic - Doug Giles | EV RERun

    04/01/2021 Duration: 37min

    As I spend time with my family, and prepare myself for the year to come, I dug deep into the Ever Vigilant archives to pull out this gem. I do hope that you enjoy this episode, I'll be back next next week. In this episode, I have the pleasure of talking with Doug Giles the artist, author, co-host of Warriors and Wildmen podcast, the man behind clashdaily.com and a popular columnist on Townhall.com. Doug's interests include guns, big game hunting, big game fishing, fine art, cigars, helping wounded warriors, and being a big pain in the butt to people who dislike God and the USA. “Doug Giles speaks the truth … he’s a societal watchdog … a funny bastard.” – Ted Nugent, rock icon “Doug Giles is a good man, and his bambinas are fearless. His girls Hannah and Regis Giles are indefatigable. I admire the Giles clan from afar.” – Dennis Miller *Fair Warning* Doug uses colorful language in this episode. Just a heads up in case you have young kids are with you. Doug Giles | Podcast: https://warriorsan

  • 012: One Mind, Many Weapons - Byron Rodgers | EV ReRun

    28/12/2020 Duration: 44min

    In this episode, I have the honor of talking with Byron Rodgers. Byron is a service-centered Executive Protection Agent, Motivational Speaker, Video Blogger, Published Author, and Veteran on a steadfast mission to empower men of the up-and-coming generation to fully embrace and flourish within their masculinity and above all, keep people safe. Over the span a decade, he has gained extensive private security experience, conducting private security operations for each available VIP demographic industry-wide in over 60 countries. He proudly serves as the Chief Executive Officer at Bravo Research group, the Supervisor of Security at Harvest Christian Fellowship, and the Executive Protection Agent of various initiatives. In addition to holding a Bachelor’s degree in Psychology from the University of Phoenix, he is presently pursuing his Master’s degree in Counseling Psychology at Argosy University. He has also received Strategic Interventionist training at the Tony Robbins Training Center. Byron and I have a gr

  • Christmas Special - Joseph Cartwright | EV ReRun

    24/12/2020 Duration: 40min

    A special EV ReRun of our Christmas Special with Joseph Cartwright. In this episode, I was joined by my good friend Joseph Cartwright, back in 2018. I asked Joseph to join me for a special Christmas episode, and he did not disappoint. Reminding us that Jesus didn't stay a baby, that his arrival was foretold hundreds of years earlier. Most importantly we talk about why he came and how the story that started thousands of years ago was all about YOU, and your redemption. God Bless you all and I pray that you and your family have a blessed Christmas. PrepareDefendLead.com

  • 010: Prisoner by Choice, Change Requires Action

    14/12/2020 Duration: 38min

    In this episode I talk about the fact that most of us construct our own prison, and complain of all that we could or would do if we were free, while keeping the key to our prison safely hidden in our pocket. Many of us want a new job, want to be a better husband, want to loose some weight, and we know how to accomplish those goals. But we become comfortable in our self-made prison and keep ourselves from becoming great. 2021 is just around the corner, now is the time to unlock that door and press into future. Without fear there is no risk, without risk there is no reward. I also talk about my favorite water filter, it's inexpensive, versatile, and small, making it a great option for hiking, EDC bag, Bug Out Bag, glove box. PrepareDefendLead.com for Unique T-Shirts and Fine Coffee

  • 009: Chickens Vs. Ducks & The WUW Challenge Debrief

    07/12/2020 Duration: 01h16min

    I'm flying solo again after a break last week, I debrief my experience as a part of the Wake Up Warrior Challenge and go deep into some discoveries that I made about myself. During the debrief I spill the beans on the PDL motto for the upcoming year 2021. You will know by the time I wrap up my debrief if the WUW Challenge is for you. I also have some fun debating whether Chickens or Ducks are better for your homestead. Please Subscribe, Review, and Share. PrepareDefendLead.com for some Unique T-Shirts, Fine Coffee, and Stickers too.

  • 008: Paradigm Shift | EV Rerun

    30/11/2020 Duration: 27min

    This Episode is an Ever Vigilant Rerun from earlier this year, pre-covid lock downs. I've been busy with family, Wake Up Warrior Challenge and getting things in order to move this mission forward into 2021, A new episode will be up next week. I hope that you understand and enjoy this episode. I believe we are in the middle of a paradigm shift, I don't believe that things will be back to normal in a couple of weeks. I believe that normal has been redefined and the new normal is not the old normal. We can choose to accept this as a possibility in order to think clearly and prepare for what is to come. The other option is to leave yourself in denial and potentially put yourself and your family in danger. A shift in mindset will allow you to adapt and to put yourself and your family in a place to succeed vs. exist. If everything does go back to normal at some point we already know how to prepare, defend, and lead, in that paradigm. Are you ready to prepare, defend and lead in a new paradigm? Unique T-Shirts and

  • 007: Giving Thanks in 2020

    23/11/2020 Duration: 38min

    In this solo episode I talk about fear (again) and some of my observations while traveling, a reminder to not get caught up in things that are out of your control but to influence and control what you can even though it is more difficult then tweeting and Facebook. I also do a facetious 2020 gratitude list. Let's be sure to make the best out of this opportunity to celebrate Thanksgiving. This has been a rough year for many and taking the time to listen and love family and friends while enjoying a great meal is priceless. Practice your soft skills and show empathy toward those blinded by fear. Please Subscribe, Share, and Leave a Review. Preparedefendlead.com - Unique T-Shirts, Fine Coffee, and Sticky Stickers

  • 006: Preparing for Tomorrow

    16/11/2020 Duration: 52min

    In this solo episode I talk about some mental aspects of preparedness, what our future property here in Texas looks like from a preparedness point of view, and I share something that I never thought I would share on a podcast and likely will never share again. Please Subscribe, Share, and Leave a Review. Preparedefendlead.com - Unique T-Shirts, Fine Coffee, and Sticky Stickers

  • 005: Truth Hurts, Lies Kill

    09/11/2020 Duration: 01h18min

    I'm flying solo in this episode. I'm going to share my thoughts on Prepare. Defend. Lead. and get into my 'Why'. Why is an introvert like me here sitting behind the mic recording a podcast? I'll get into some thoughts on lies, color revolution, and how social media is building the narrative and writing peoples truth. Please support the Mission by sharing, reviewing, or my buying some merch. New Merch. for sale., T-shirts and Coffee! Follow Prepare. Defend. Lead. on FB and IG and Parler www.preparedefendlead.com

  • 004: Redbeard Combatives

    02/11/2020 Duration: 01h11min

    *******Audio is Rough on this one, the Skype recording failed to upload correctly, so I did the best that I could to get this episode out in a listenable state.******* I had a great conversation with Ben from Redbeard Combatives covering everything from Brazilian jiu-jitsu to church security. I learned a lot from this conversation and I feel that you will too. Ben has over 14 years of experience working with the U.S. Government and Private Security sectors, with a focus on training, physical security, and vulnerability assessments. He has deployed multiple times to austere locations including the Middle East and South America, as well as numerous at sea deployments providing training in vessel security aboard commercial ships transiting high-risk waters. Ben was the Assistant Team Leader on a US Department of State contract supporting humanitarian operations in Bolivia and Peru, conducting site security surveys and PSD operations in areas of civil unrest. He further provided physical security and personnel

  • 003: John "St. Nick" Cassel

    26/10/2020 Duration: 01h10min

    John "St. Nick" Cassel is a former police officer and US government security contractor who has been deployed to the Balkans, South Central Asia, and the Middle East. He currently lives in Virginia with his wife and two children. We talk about his great book John Fifteen Thirteen available at https://saintglobalsolutions.com/ & Amazon.com & Now on www.audible.com/ Follow John on Instagram @real_john_st_nick or on Facebook @johnnicholascassel YouTube Video John Mentioned: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G8VPh3U9ulQ As the RPG (rocket-propelled grenade) came flying toward my side of the helicopter, my life literally flashed before my eyes. It was pitch-black outside, so the helo crew was flying on NODs (night observation devices). The crew was short a door-gunner, so I filled in on the starboard door gun. Through my NODs, I could see the RPG round sailing toward us. It came at us so fast; I didn’t have time to call it out. We were conducting a routine drop off and pick up of personnel and had jus

  • 002: Stop Whining; Adapt

    19/10/2020 Duration: 44min

    Episode 002: Stop Whining; Adapt In this episode I talk a bit about how complaining and expecting others to do something holds us back from moving forward. It's not until we fully accept the situation we are in, that we can begin to come up with ideas and work on a solution to our situation. The Social Media de-platforming of those that I follow and respect continues, and until we accept the fact that that we are in fact the underdog in this fight, we can not move forward. I share a few ideas on what content producers can do. More importantly I share some ideas on what we can and need to do to support those that are being or have been de-platformed. I talk a bit about why I believe that it is important that we focus on building rapport, and relationships and use caution with divisive talk. We are friends, family, and communities, we shouldn't be to quick to allow others to divide us. As we approach Nov. 3 and the unknown that may follow, I suggest a few ideas of things to add to the pantry whether you h

  • 001: Back in the Saddle

    12/10/2020 Duration: 44min

    Welcome to the first full episode of Prepare. Defend. Lead. - Your Mission. Own It. In this first episode of PDL we cover quite a few topics. - Get a few digital copy of My Book OPEN - Six life changing concepts that are easy to implement, but hard to master - when it is finished. Preparedefendlead.com - A small talk that I did to encourage a small class of apprentices that applies to all of us. -Five keys to being a great apprentice- 5. Don't be on time, be early. 4. Be humble, teachable, and respectful. 3. Don't complain. 2. Be prepared, equipment, rest, knowledge, etc. 1. Be quiet, listen. Bonus- Always be doing something! - Masks With twenty plus years of wearing every type of PPE imaginable, I have a little bit different take. Their house, Their rules Three types of people wearing masks Fear Effects Reasons Changing hearts and minds through influence and rapport -Are you ready for post-election chaos? Follow on FB and IG www.preparedefendlead.com

  • Episode: 0.5 Teaser

    27/09/2020 Duration: 20min

    Teaser Episode 0.5 I needed to test out the new intro, mic, and make sure things were going to upload to Spotify, iTunes, and everywhere else. Instead of doing that myself I thought a teaser episode would be more fun. I talk a bit about Prepare. Defend. Lead. and what to expect, it will be different than Ever Vigilant. I also touch for a moment on what I have been up to since I shut down EV and why the time away was important. Then just to be sure that you get your monies worth with this episode we briefly talk confidence and how to build it. 1. Goals Reached 2. Well timed risks executed successfully Please subscribe, share, and if you can donate to get this podcast off to a good start. Merch. on the way! Follow Me on IG @Prepare.Defend.Lead Website PrepareDefendLead.com

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