Ever Vigilant

Without Risk There Is No Reward



My Motto for 2021 was "without fear there is no risk and without risk there is no reward. Living out this motto though 2021 has lead to a mountain of failures and few significant rewards. The greatest lesson learned this experience is that I am no longer afraid to fail. Most are living a life of safety, fearing failure. Fear of failure is playing not to loose, rather than playing to win. New jobs aren't found, and old relationships aren't repaired by playing not to loose. Lessons learned from a year of failures. 1. It is not a failure if you learn something 2. Failure is going to hurt, that's OK your mission is greater than your pain. 3. Screw your Ego! Ego is the enemy and will hold you down. 4. There will be a cost, what are you willing to sacrifice to get what you want? 5. Fail, Fail, Fail, and do it again, eventually you will realize that failures don't define you. PDL EVENTS | Inaugural Strength Thru Adversity Ruck 12/11/2021 6AM - 6PM Lampasas, Texas | New Year/New Man Live Webinar 12/27/2021 | F