Ever Vigilant



Ever Vigilant- Our Mission: to encourage and challenge men to prepare, defend, and lead at home and in their communities.


  • Prepare Defend Lead LIVE

    27/06/2021 Duration: 55min

    The first ever Prepare Defend Lead LIVE. Coming to you LIVE from Texas hill country. Honestly I do not know how the video and audio quality will be, this is a learning process for me. I will continue to work out the bugs as I move forward. Thanks. OPEN: Six Life Changing Principles, is available at preparedefendlead.com or Kindle stay tuned for the interactive course. Knowing your destination, is the key to accomplishing your goals. Trouble is coming (its always coming) and it's your responsibility to be ready. Prepare, Defend, Lead ethos can empower you and give you purpose. A review of my favorite LAPG.com Core pants. They have proved themselves indestructible whether doing construction, fixing fences, changing the brakes or going out on a date these are my go to pants.

  • Your Mission, Finding Your Purpose

    09/06/2021 Duration: 29min

    Your purpose is always serving others. If you don't know what your purpose or mission is, you can find it through serving others.

  • Open Your Arms

    19/05/2021 Duration: 49min

    In this episode I read some excerpts from the sixth chapter 'Open Your Arms' of my new book 'OPEN'. I talk about the importance of meeting new people, building brotherhood, and forming bonds that stand the test of time. I end this episode by giving three bold action steps to begin to implement the principle of Open Your Heart into your life. If you would like to purchase OPEN or an awesome t-shirt to help support the mission. preparedefendlead.com Use code PDL10 to save 10%

  • Open Your Heart

    12/05/2021 Duration: 46min

    In this episode I read some excerpts from the sixth chapter 'Open Your Heart' of my new book 'OPEN'. I talk about the power of love, being vulnerable, and willingness to make the sacrifices necessary for those I love. I end this episode by giving three bold action steps to begin to implement the principle of Open Your Heart into your life. If you would like to purchase OPEN or an awesome t-shirt to help support the mission. preparedefendlead.com Use code PDL10 to save 10%

  • Open Your Mouth

    05/05/2021 Duration: 35min

    In this episode I read some excerpts from the fifth chapter 'Open Your Mouth' of my new book 'OPEN'. I talk about the power of opening your mouth to boldly speak with intention, empathy, and honesty. I end this episode by giving three bold action steps to begin to implement the Open Your Mouth principle into your life. If you would like to purchase the book OPEN or an awesome t-shirt to help support the mission. preparedefendlead.com Use code PDL10 to save 10%

  • Who's thinking are you thinking? - Frank Sell

    28/04/2021 Duration: 01h30s

    I have been following Frank Sell on social media for awhile, Frank is a renaissance man, a man committed to personal growth, unafraid to try new things, or push the envelope. We have a great conversation about overcoming generational thought patterns, personal growth, confidence, and his coffee company, how it happened, and why it resonates. Frank was awesome enough to give us a discount code for his coffee, use code PDL at homeofthehustle.com You can check out my new book 'Open' and buy TShirts and swag to support the mission at preparedefendlead.com use code PDL10 to get 10% off your purchase. Follow PDL and my shenanigans @preparedefendlead

  • Open Your Ears

    21/04/2021 Duration: 34min

    In this episode I read some excerpts from the fourth chapter 'Open Your Ears' of my new book 'OPEN'. I talk about the power of opening your ears to listen to what others truly say, not what you think they are saying. I end this episode by giving three bold action steps to begin to implement the principle of Open Your Ears into your life. If you would like to purchase OPEN or an awesome t-shirt to help support the mission. preparedefendlead.com Use code PDL10 to save 10%

  • Open Your Eyes

    14/04/2021 Duration: 51min

    In this episode I read some excerpts from the third chapter 'Open Your Eyes' of my new book 'OPEN'. I talk about the need to seek out the beauty in the chaos of life and contrast that idea with the need to also be aware of the dangers around us. I end this episode by giving three bold action steps to begin to implement the principle of Open Your Eyes into your life. If you would like to purchase OPEN or an awesome t-shirt to help support the mission. preparedefendlead.com Use code PDL10 to save 10%

  • Open Your Mind

    08/04/2021 Duration: 34min

    In this episode I read some excerpts from the second chapter 'Open Your Mind' of my new book 'OPEN'. I talk about the lies and deception around us and the lies and deception within us. I end this episode by giving three bold action steps to begin to implement the principle of Open Your Mind into your life. If you would like to purchase OPEN or an awesome t-shirt to help support the mission. preparedefendlead.com Use code PDL10 to save 10%

  • Do You Want What's Best For You?

    31/03/2021 Duration: 23min

    In this shirt episode I touch on the homeless issue here in Austin and on the fact that what we want is often not what's best for us. MLF.org

  • Soft Skills - Communication

    17/03/2021 Duration: 01h02min

    Communication is key to human interaction and building rapport with others is becoming a super power. Communication has been regressing for the last decade as email and text messaging have become the norm. This regression of the soft skill of communication has been multiplied by the Covid. It has been allowed to become a wedge in our human interaction and is used as an excuse for shoddy leadership. The consequences are only beginning to be felt as society begins to extricate themselves from under a blanket of fear and apathy. In this episode I talk about some of the consequences of covid, and give you some of the things that I do to communicate clearly and to build human capital. After my thoughts on communication I give updates on, Homestead 2.0, PDL Overland Project, and my soon to be released book OPEN.

  • Victim or Victor, You Decide

    10/03/2021 Duration: 40min

    In this episode I compare and contrast the victim mindset verses the victor mindset. Victim Mindset vs. Victor Mindset Angry ----- Excited What can I get -----What can I give Resentful -----Respectful Point to others-----Point at yourself Victor Mindset Ownership Work Hard/ Sacrifice Honest with yourself Willing to bet on yourself/ take calculated risks Assess | Accept | Adapt | Advance Please share, review, and subscribe Purchase swag at preparedefendlead.com

  • Ready or Not II

    03/03/2021 Duration: 01h01s

    In this episode I talk about why I got started in preparedness, and how we must be careful not to allow ourselves to be controlled by fear. Fear leads to bad decisions and manipulation by others. We cover the 6 main areas of preparedness and how to be redundant by building out in concentric circles from our personal everyday carry items all the way out to a homestead type property. I try my best to simplify these ideas, because when I first embarked on this journey, preparedness seemed very overwhelming. If we can simplify things and alleviate fear, preparedness can become a family exercise. Food Water Shelter (Heat/Dry) First Aid/Health Protection Communication

  • 020: Ready or Not

    24/02/2021 Duration: 01h14min

    In this episode I speak about preparedness, not as a list of things to buy or a check list, but an over arching mind set and way of life. Prepare is one of the three pillars of PDL., I believe that our goal should always be to be as prepared as possible for whatever comes our way that is out of the normal routine. Whether that is a vacation, an interview, a test, or an emergency the approach should be the same. We prepare not because of fear, but in an effort to fight fear and stress both for ourselves and our families. We fight fear though planning, knowledge, and provisions. My approach to preparedness is big but very simple, in this episode I attempt to paint a picture of this concept. I touch on Why, Family, Obstacles, Basics, and Getting Started. This episode went much longer than I had expected so in the next episode I will continue to broaden my vision of preparedness. Please Subscribe, Review, and Share PrepareDefendLead.com Coffee and T-Shirts to Support the Show Use code PDL10 to save 10% off you

  • 019: Winter Has Come

    18/02/2021 Duration: 55min

    In this episode I give some insight into what is actually happening down here in Texas and why things are as bad as they are. Coming from the Midwest I have a different perspective than most of our new friends and neighbors down here in central Texas. We are used to hard winters so I almost feel like we are cheating. I briefly talk about a few important always mentioned must haves: Food, Water, First Aid The mental side of preparedness: 'Accept, Adapt, Advance' The arrogance trap Fear Complaining Some universal tools, to give you options: Generator or Inverter Jumper Cables Camp Stove Lights Blankets Rubber Boots Games and Books Preparedness is an important part of being a father, husband, or leader in your community. It is Your Mission and You should own it, rather than rely of others to do it for you. Put yourself in a position to survive or even thrive during hard times by starting to prepare today. Support Prepare. Defend. Lead. - Subscribe, Share, and Review or go to Preparedefendlead.com and

  • 18: Morning Routine

    10/02/2021 Duration: 51min

    In this episode I speak about morning routines, why I believe that you should have one and how to get started. I go deep into my daily routine, why I do what I do, and how it continues to evolve in order to keep me challenged and from getting bored. I also share a few tips and lessons that I have learned along the way that you may find helpful, or interesting. I follow this up with a quick Homestead 2.0 and PDL Budget Overland Project Updates.

  • 017: You Don't Know, What You Don't Know

    03/02/2021 Duration: 44min

    In this episode I talk about the fact that you don't know what you don't know and how I've been peeling away the layers of the onion to reveal that means to me. There are two lessons that that became clear. 1. Be careful how you judge othersbecause they don't know what they don't know. 2. Be careful in what you believe to be true because you don't know what you don't know. I also have some thoughts on the Reddit traders and their Gamestop shenanigans, and how we can use these principles in other areas. Please, Subscribe, Share, and Review and check out PrepareDefendLead.com for fresh roasted coffee and unique T-Shirts.

  • 016: PDL Budget Overland Project

    25/01/2021 Duration: 44min

    My passion for off-road adventures is not new but has been rekindled. Out of this passion the PDL Budget Overland Project has been born. In this episode I talk about the origins of my passion for bloody knuckles, dirty hands, and all things off-road. The why, Recreation, Creation, and Extraction and what that means to me. My plans moving forward, and why I chose the Mitsubishi Montero. Options, options, options, in gear set up and optimization. My budget goals with this project.

  • 015: No Room For Excuses

    18/01/2021 Duration: 49min

    In this episode, I share my results from the Elliot Hulse 14 day Rational Fast as well as a few positives and negatives during the experience. I talk about a story from the Bible that Jesus told, about a master giving sums of money to his servants to care for. I have some thoughts on this story and how it relates to you and me in the modern times. I believe that what we are given, we are expected to use and to leverage for the benefit of ourselves, our families, our communities and ultimately for the expanding the Kingdom. We in modern America have been given access to unlimited knowledge in the form of video, books, audio books, podcasts, courses, webinars, and live events. On top of having access to more knowledge in the palm of our hand than at any time in history we also have more time. Not that long ago everyone grew, harvested, preserved, or hunted, butchered and preserved everything that they ate. They often times also had animals to feed, care for, milk, etc. Homes needed to be kept up, and firewoo

  • 014: To Infinity and Beyond

    11/01/2021 Duration: 01h23min

    Wow, well it's been awhile since I recorded a fresh episode and it showed in this episode, I tried to squeeze 10 pounds of dog dirt in a 5 pound bag and I almost did! I update everyone on Homestead 2.0, we are making progress. I get into the 14 Day Rational Fast that I started on Jan. 4, what its about and why I'm doing it. I introduce the the PDL Budget Overland Project, I will be working on building a budget overland Mitsubishi Montero, I will keep you updated on the progress via Instagram. Check it out @prepare.defend.lead I also talk about my new daily show PDL RAW daily on IG, 2-10 minutes of my daily thoughts. Check it out @prepare.defend.lead I go fairly deep into how I spent 14+ hours planning out 2021, and what I think is key. Of course I touch on the elections, social media, and the chaos at the capital. My conclusions may not be yours. Last but not least I talk about the important stuff, the Principles of OPEN. I go into the origin story of where these principles came from and how they ha

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