Ever Vigilant

Attitude of Gratitude



Gratitude is a way of life not a list. It's easy to be thankful for the good things in life, anyone can say that they are grateful for their health, home, and family. If you want to leverage gratitude in your life, you will need to dig deeper. You must be grateful for even the the difficult ad challenging times in life. Two keys to making gratitude a way of life. 1. Open your mind to the realization that out of adversity accelerated growth can occur. 2. Open your mind to the ongoing inner dialogue in your mind. As we celebrate Thanksgiving here in the United States this week, let's take a deeper look at ourselves and the role that gratitude plays in our lives and in how we grow and interact with those we love. -------------------------------------------------- You are stuck. You're sick and tired of being the nice guy. You're troubled by your shallow relationships with your wife and children. You're afraid of failing and you hide in your comfort zone. You're haunted by being reactive vs. proact