Ever Vigilant

Heroes Wanted



NO ONE IS COMING TO SAVE YOU! Where you are today in your life is a result of your beliefs, and the actions that you have taken based on your beliefs. As a boy we all looked up to our heroes, whether they won games, saved lives, hurt bad people, or explored the far reaches of the universe. You were sure that this was what your future would hold as a man. Somewhere along the line the comforts and the distractions of modern life grabbed hold and apathy has slowly squeezed the life out of you. Rather than step into arena to face the enemy (yourself), you sedate your pain and hide your frustrations with politics, video games, sports, porn, Netflix, work or anyone of a million other possibilities. These distractions serve as an escape from the reality that you have created for yourself, yet you despise. You blame your wife, your kids, or your growing responsibilities at work for where you find yourself today. But deep down you know. You know that there is no one to blame but yourself and as you begin to take