Ever Vigilant

Do you want, what you say you want?



Do you want what you say you want? Do your actions reflect your thoughts? If someone judged you based on your actions for a week would it align with what you say? Three keys to to stop spinning your wheels and actually make progress. 1. What do you want? Sounds simple, but most men don't know have an honest, thought out answer to this question. Take the time, pray, meditate, think, ask, but you must have clarity in what it is that you want. 2. What are you willing to sacrifice to get it? With the clarity from step one, acknowledge what is standing in the way and honestly decide if you are actually willing to give it up. If you are not willing to make the sacrifice necessary, now you know and can stop lying to yourself. If you are proceed to step three. 3. You know what you want, you know what's standing in your way, now is the time to act. Give up what is standing in your way, walk away (or run), stop immediately doing what you have decided to sacrifice, set up a plan (gym membership, life coach, diet p