Ever Vigilant

Problem Solved



Life is a series of problem solving exercises, the more tools you have and the further outside of the box you are willing to think the more options that you will have. Are you overwhelmed, and frustrated by the seemingly endless string of problems that you are encountering in your life? 1. Stop worrying about things that are out of your control, or don't matter. Even if these affect you in one way or another, if you do not have direct control. Put them to the side and focus on the things you do control 2. Prioritize what problem or issue that must be resolved first, second, third, etc. and set the steps and actions required to solve the issue even one baby step at a time. Do not get ahead of yourself, or get overwhelmed by the next step, focus on what you are working on. 3.Take action, fail, learn, Take action, fail, learn, Take action fail, ask questions, seek advice, take action etc, etc,..... Don't let the fear of failing keep you from attempting to solve the problem. Don't allow yourself to get caught