Ever Vigilant

4 Steps to Lasting Change



You want to make change in your life, but continue to fail in making it last. You are not content with the man in the mirror. Yet you struggle to make the lasting changes that you need to make not only for yourself but also for those that are important for you. 1. Identify- Be honest with yourself, be sure that you know the change to make in order to get the results that you need. 2. Solution- Investigate, educate yourself on the best way for you to solve your issue. You don't know everything, if this change is important to you invest the time to learn. 3. Plan- You must be realistic and specific, set up a plan that you can follow and that will help you accomplish the long term change you desire. 4. Commit- This is something that you want/need, do it. Don't set yourself up to quit. Quitting is a bad habit. Failing is acceptable, quitting isn't. Hit the link below for links to https://hy.page/preparedefendlead