Ever Vigilant

Three Keys to Family Meetings



I believe that the home must be made a fortress, a place safe and secure, a buttress fortified against the storms assailing from outside. It is our responsibility to build a sanctuary of peace and calm from the storms and the zombie hordes that dwell outside the walls of our castle. We need to create a definite difference between what goes on outside, and what goes on inside our home, our fortress. Our homes are often filled with as much or with more chaos and disorder than there is outside the four walls of your home. Our homes are in dire need of leadership, and that means YOU. Meetings are important at work, at church, and in the community, but far to often only happen in our family when big trouble arises. These are the three keys that I use to make family meetings worth while, productive, and even enjoyable. 1. Keep it brief and orderly, short and sweet and to the point. 2. Cover issues, schedule, and concerns. 3. Each member must be allowed and opportunity to share, in order to keep this in line wi