Live Your True Life Perspectives With Ashley Berges

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 462:04:30
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Live Your True Life Perspectives with Ashley Berges, a syndicated talk show, that offers real answers to lifes most important questions, from relationships to common sense authentic living. #LYTL Perspectives offers topics that are relevant to you and full of entertaining stories. Ashley has a magnetic personality and is a skilled therapist. You no longer need to pay for counseling and or success coaching. #LYTL Perspectives creates awesome driveway moments, that keep you in your car listening to the show for life changing stories, authentic advice, and impactful reality checks that only Ashley offers her listeners.


  • Oceans of Thoughts with Rosalind McClean [Ep.711]

    26/04/2022 Duration: 40min

    Rosalind Severin McClean joins Live Your True Life Perspectives live with her two award-winning books: Oceans of Thoughts Book One and Two. Rosalind, a Caribbean Author from the Commonwealth of Dominica, and Bestselling Author of Oceans of Thoughts Book One and Book Two, which have both been released on Amazon. Rosalind shares her thoughtful emotion based poetry that helps all readers to process their own emotions. We will discuss today, processing the passing of a family member, respecting our seniors, processing divorce and when a parent leaves, and much more. Be sure to check out her website at and her social media down below. Rosalind’s Website: www.RosalindSeverinMcClean.comYouTube: @OceansOfThoughts55 Instagram: @Oceans_OfThoughts

  • Fear of Losing the Relationship [Ep: 710]

    26/04/2022 Duration: 40min

    When we are in fear of losing a relationship, we do not speak our truth. This fear ultimately gets in the way of us doing what is right by our values, beliefs, and the boundaries we have in place. It is important for us to understand when we are in this place of fear, what is happening and why we are being held back from speaking the truth. We need to know what are some things that we can do to see the situation for what it really is. If you are going through an unhealthy relationship, are in fear of it, and have not spoken your truth, you definitely don’t want to miss this show.

  • Find Your Inner Super Powers, Become Un-Mess-with-able with Scott Feld [Ep: 709]

    13/04/2022 Duration: 40min

    Certified Life Skills Coach for kids and best-selling author, Scott Feld connects with Ashley on Live Your True Life Perspectives. The two will be discussing the process of unlocking kid's inner super powers. Scott and Ashley will be talking about what it means to be un-mess-with-able, unlocking inner powers, seeing the unseen, realizing blind spots, the power of imagination, and power shifting. "Dax to the Max" is Scott's best-selling book that presents the power of imagination and how it can positively impact our lives. You can find "Dax to the Max" on Amazon at: more information on Scott, go to his website at: https://www.mindzenmotion.comThis show is for anyone who wants to clear their mind, find their inner truth, and likes to be inspired by thought, change, and insightful discussion.

  • Strength to Leave an Unhealthy Relationship [Ep. 708]

    05/04/2022 Duration: 40min

    Do you need to find the strength to be able to manage and possibly move on from an unhealthy relationship? Many folks have tried to leave relationships multiple times. They tend to go back out of fear, and quickly realize that things in the relationship haven't changed. We go back into relationships for many reasons. Often, we reminisce on the past, romanticize the relationship, and fear a failed relationship. We also may feel guilt, shame, and the fear being alone. I understand fearing a failed marriage, but is it more important to find and cultivate one’s identity? The concept of purpose is a very deep challenge, it's finding your truth, your true identity, and being able to be that truth no matter what. Usually when we are in toxic relationships, whether they are family, romantic, or work-related, we are not able to be ourselves. Instead, these relationships have us walking on egg shells and feeling fearful. During this time, we appear to be in the process of losing ourself and losing the precious time w

  • Road Rage: Understanding All Angles [Ep.707]

    18/03/2022 Duration: 41min

    Road Rage! Most likely we have all been a part of a road rage incident, either as the aggressor or the victim. Occurrences of road rage are on the rise. We need to understand why there is road rage and how we can safeguard ourselves to not fall prey into it. We are at a time where there is a lot of stress, anxiety, resentment, and anger. Unfortunately, there are not many outlets for those feelings. We have to take a look at what we are doing with our anger and how to react when someone comes at us with their road rage. We must learn how to respond appropriately so that we don’t get pulled into the situation. We need to understand where it is going worldwide and why road rage is happening. In today’s show I will take a look at road rage from all angles, see both sides of the situation and discuss the inherent reasons people engage, and how to protect yourself whether you are feeling rage or being raged upon. Listen to the podcast and safeguard your time and energy today!

  • Clarity and Strength: Help to See the Relationship Clearly [Ep. 706]

    09/03/2022 Duration: 40min

    Are you thinking of leaving an unhealthy relationship? Do you need to find the strength to leave and move on? Have you been thinking about leaving and moving on but seem to not have the willpower or energy to leave? Throughout this podcast, I will provide you with real techniques to get clarity and understanding about you and your relationship. I will also help you find the strength needed to see things clearly, and begin to see your life without the other person. Once we see the events of the relationships clearly, we can begin to see why things took place and bring attention to the red flags we didn't want to see. As we look further into the relationship, we will begin to understand parts of the relationship we previously may not have understood. We must look at the crumbs we received during the relationship, because at the time we were unaware that they were crumbs. It is essential to examine your values, understand your values, and be able to see where you and your values have been walked all over. As yo

  • Splitting: Understand and Identify [Ep: 705]

    02/03/2022 Duration: 40min

    Have you ever had someone tell you how great you are, sing your praises, then find fault in you, and eventually cut you out of their life completely? Is there someone in your life who tends to see things in only black or white? They may see people as either being for or against them, and tend to see the extremes. We may know someone who may take this to extremes. However, we must ask ourselves if we tend to see things in black and white sometimes? When we interact with people who have signs and symptoms of BPD, we may see them demonstrate splitting with everyone and everything. In order to not get swept up in other people's splitting, we must understand what it is and why they do it. Splitting is also linked to the pedestal stage in the love bombing phase in relationships. Often when a person is being love bombed, they aren't aware and fall into the trap of the attention. Eventually the person is devalued and even discarded. Because of the experience, they tend to be in a blender of emotions and are challenge

  • Am I Being Loved Bombed or is it True Love? [Ep: 704]

    24/02/2022 Duration: 47min

    What does it mean to be love bombed? Are you in a relationship where you are currently being love bombed by the other person? We need to become aware of what love bombing is and understand what it looks like when it is happening to us. When we are able to identify love bombing, it will become a very powerful tool. While in the grips of love bombing the feeling can be amazing. Love bombing usually goes under the radar because for many people who are on the receiving end, they have never experienced this level of care, attention, and interaction. When you're being love bombed, it feels like a whirlwind romance, like something you see in a movie. We must be able to figure out if what is happening is real or are we being love bombed. Often times, the person doing the love bombing is not even aware they are doing it. This podcast will be very helpful for you to understand what is love bombing, how do we see it, and how can we recognize it when it is happening to us or someone we know.Additional Resources:Sig

  • How to Safeguard yourself from the Challenging and Demanding People in your life. [Ep: 703]

    09/02/2022 Duration: 47min

    While listening to this podcast, you can take some mindful moments to analyze and see clearly who the challening, demanding, and negative people are in your life. In the beginning of the podcast, I am offering you ways of becoming aware of who they are, understanding the characteristics they will have in common, and how to spot them. Also, I'm discussing why we allow them in our lives and ultimately how to safeguard yourself from them and their energy. Some of these people you can let go of, others we can't but we can get emotional distance.Additional resources:Combat Narcissistic Abuse with the Gray Rock Method, link to the video: more about Toxic Positivity. When does Positivity turns Toxic? Watch or listen to this podcast: you find yourself overexplaining to people who don't get it or don't want to understand you? Over Explaining is a Trap - Are You Trapped? Here's the link to the video:

  • The Effect of the Silent Treatment on Children and Adults [Ep.702]

    05/02/2022 Duration: 40min

    Were you on the receiving end of the silent treatment growing up? Did you receive the silent treatment as a child? How did the silent treatment from your mother or father impact you? The silent treatment impacts us as a child and impacts our entire life if we aren’t aware of the impact it makes on our lives. When a child grows up experiencing the silent treatment, it can impact them in their adult relationships and impact their interactions with their children. Listen to the podcast and get more understanding and answers.

  • V.A.L.U.E. New Year, New Chapter, New You [Ep.701]

    07/01/2022 Duration: 40min

    What do you want to see happen this year?What will happen in your new chapter/book that is you this year?What do you want to augment this year?In today’s Live Your True Life Perspectives, I’ve identified the value we can give ourselves this year.Within this value that we can give ourselves, we will embark on identifying our personal values, understanding how to live by them, and how to grow stronger within our values.We will be more personally aware of ourselves, our intentions, and our core beliefs and values. We hear a lot about unconditional love and we will be exploring what that means and how to begin to find that for ourselves and for others in our life. Very important is to understand others and even more important is to understand our self so we can better understand the world around us. When we have self-understanding we are able to have more self-awareness and we are able to see ourselves clearly and honestly to see our attributes and to see our shortcomings to make our life better. Lastly we will b

  • The GIFT to Receive This Year! [Ep. 700]

    24/12/2021 Duration: 40min

    On today's live show, I will be revealing the gift you will want to give yourself this year. This is the gift of all gifts and it transcends time and space. If you want to be in a state of focus and appreciation, you won't want to miss today's show. It's time to get the gift we need to maximize our time here and let go of the manipulators and negative energy from our life still season and throughout the entire year.

  • Everyday Guidance for Health and Personal Growth [Ep.699]

    24/12/2021 Duration: 40min

    The holidays are coming up and in the process we tend to forget that we need to do some things everyday to take care of ourselves and make the most of our life. Many of us may be future thinking and some of us living in the past. On today's show let's become aware of when we are doing either and work to move back into the moment. I will offer some tips for self-care and quieting the mind.

  • Helping Children Understand and Process Memory Loss in their Elders. [Ep.698]

    06/12/2021 Duration: 40min

    Join Awilda Prignano and I today on Live Your True Life Perspectives. Awilda is an acclaimed children's author with her book: Loving Lulu. Awilda's book is based on her real life experience of being her mother's primary caregiver, after she was diagnosed with Lewy Body Dementia (the form of dementia that the late Robin Williams had, before he tragically committed suicide). Her book is written to help children understand and process memory changes and memory loss of a loved one. In the story Lulu and her Grandmother spend time together and over time her Abuelita/grandmother begins to develop memory loss, and Lulu realizes she can help her Grandmother feel loved and special. Listen today around the country on AM radio or on our Youtube channel @ashley berges

  • Why do we Overlook the Dysfunction? [Ep. 697]

    24/11/2021 Duration: 40min

    Since we were children, out of simple preservation, we overlooked and pretended the dysfunction did not exist with regards to our family. Throughout our lives, we still do that, we overlook dysfunction in our lives, our friends, and our family. However, what happens when you point it out with certain people? How do some people deal with you pointing out the elephant in the room? In today's show, Ashley is discussing how to begin to see the dysfunction, what to do when you see it, and how to know if this is someone you can bring it up to or simply distance yourself.

  • In a Relationship where You have to Prove your Value? [Ep.696]

    02/11/2021 Duration: 40min

    Are you currently in a relationship, romantic, friendship, or marriage where you are constantly having to prove your value, your innocence, or truth? Are you experiencing sadness and depression and don't know why this is happening? Have you recognized the patterns of this relationship? Do you have idea why you are experiencing this type of dysfunction? Are you looking for answers? Catch the live feed and get some honest answers and possible solutions to better your current situation.

  • Common Mistakes Made when Dating after a Toxic Relationship. [Ep.695]

    30/10/2021 Duration: 40min

    In today's live show Ashley will be exploring and explaining the common mistakes made when dating after a toxic relationship that creates more dead-end relationships that go no where. Ashley reveals the specifics to changing the old programming and moving you into a position of being in a healthy state of mind allowing you to find someone who is also healthy. Tune in to the show and lets have some fun discussing relationships and the relationship with ourselves.

  • Is it Optimism or Toxic Positivity? [Ep.694]

    11/10/2021 Duration: 40min

    In today's live show Ashley will be exploring and explaining positivity and at what point it turns toxic. Many of us are optimistic and try to find the silver lining no matter what, however their are those times that pain, suffering, and turmoil are part of life, how do we deal with it for ourselves and how do we talk to our friends and family when they 're going through turmoil? We will be understanding the difference between optimism and toxic positivity and how to be more aware of our words and the words of others. There is nothing wrong with positivity however we want to be aware of other's feelings and needs when going through stress and pain. A family member may use toxic positivity and it may be making you feel weak, depressed, or that your feelings are wrong.

  • The Psychological Games People Play [Ep.693]

    06/10/2021 Duration: 40min

    In today's live show Ashley will be exploring and explaining some tactics and games people use to manipulate and control others. These games are highly effective and can create sadness, confusion, frustration, and resentment. The more you understand these tactics and how they are presented the better you can safeguard yourself. Ashley will be explaining forever ammunition, the silent treatment, victimhood, entitlement and put downs. Listen to the show to get the knowledge you protect yourself and to spot manipulation a mile away.

  • Perfectionism and Procrastination [Ep.691]

    07/09/2021 Duration: 40min

    Do you identify yourself as a perfectionist? Do you find yourself stuck sometimes unable to finish or even start a project? Do you wonder how all of this began? Are you looking for some solutions to help offset perfectionism and help you to achieve your daily goals in an easier manner? In today's show I am offering some ways to achieving peace in your day to day life when it comes to taking action. You don't have to be a slave to your perfectionism anymore.

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