Live Your True Life Perspectives With Ashley Berges

V.A.L.U.E. New Year, New Chapter, New You [Ep.701]



What do you want to see happen this year?What will happen in your new chapter/book that is you this year?What do you want to augment this year?In today’s Live Your True Life Perspectives, I’ve identified the value we can give ourselves this year.Within this value that we can give ourselves, we will embark on identifying our personal values, understanding how to live by them, and how to grow stronger within our values.We will be more personally aware of ourselves, our intentions, and our core beliefs and values. We hear a lot about unconditional love and we will be exploring what that means and how to begin to find that for ourselves and for others in our life. Very important is to understand others and even more important is to understand our self so we can better understand the world around us. When we have self-understanding we are able to have more self-awareness and we are able to see ourselves clearly and honestly to see our attributes and to see our shortcomings to make our life better. Lastly we will b