Live Your True Life Perspectives With Ashley Berges

Splitting: Understand and Identify [Ep: 705]



Have you ever had someone tell you how great you are, sing your praises, then find fault in you, and eventually cut you out of their life completely? Is there someone in your life who tends to see things in only black or white? They may see people as either being for or against them, and tend to see the extremes. We may know someone who may take this to extremes. However, we must ask ourselves if we tend to see things in black and white sometimes? When we interact with people who have signs and symptoms of BPD, we may see them demonstrate splitting with everyone and everything. In order to not get swept up in other people's splitting, we must understand what it is and why they do it. Splitting is also linked to the pedestal stage in the love bombing phase in relationships. Often when a person is being love bombed, they aren't aware and fall into the trap of the attention. Eventually the person is devalued and even discarded. Because of the experience, they tend to be in a blender of emotions and are challenge