Live Your True Life Perspectives With Ashley Berges

Oceans of Thoughts with Rosalind McClean [Ep.711]



Rosalind Severin McClean joins Live Your True Life Perspectives live with her two award-winning books: Oceans of Thoughts Book One and Two. Rosalind, a Caribbean Author from the Commonwealth of Dominica, and Bestselling Author of Oceans of Thoughts Book One and Book Two, which have both been released on Amazon. Rosalind shares her thoughtful emotion based poetry that helps all readers to process their own emotions. We will discuss today, processing the passing of a family member, respecting our seniors, processing divorce and when a parent leaves, and much more. Be sure to check out her website at and her social media down below. Rosalind’s Website: www.RosalindSeverinMcClean.comYouTube: @OceansOfThoughts55 Instagram: @Oceans_OfThoughts