Live Your True Life Perspectives With Ashley Berges

Am I Being Loved Bombed or is it True Love? [Ep: 704]



What does it mean to be love bombed? Are you in a relationship where you are currently being love bombed by the other person? We need to become aware of what love bombing is and understand what it looks like when it is happening to us. When we are able to identify love bombing, it will become a very powerful tool. While in the grips of love bombing the feeling can be amazing. Love bombing usually goes under the radar because for many people who are on the receiving end, they have never experienced this level of care, attention, and interaction. When you're being love bombed, it feels like a whirlwind romance, like something you see in a movie. We must be able to figure out if what is happening is real or are we being love bombed. Often times, the person doing the love bombing is not even aware they are doing it. This podcast will be very helpful for you to understand what is love bombing, how do we see it, and how can we recognize it when it is happening to us or someone we know.Additional Resources:Sig