Live Your True Life Perspectives With Ashley Berges

Strength to Leave an Unhealthy Relationship [Ep. 708]



Do you need to find the strength to be able to manage and possibly move on from an unhealthy relationship? Many folks have tried to leave relationships multiple times. They tend to go back out of fear, and quickly realize that things in the relationship haven't changed. We go back into relationships for many reasons. Often, we reminisce on the past, romanticize the relationship, and fear a failed relationship. We also may feel guilt, shame, and the fear being alone. I understand fearing a failed marriage, but is it more important to find and cultivate one’s identity? The concept of purpose is a very deep challenge, it's finding your truth, your true identity, and being able to be that truth no matter what. Usually when we are in toxic relationships, whether they are family, romantic, or work-related, we are not able to be ourselves. Instead, these relationships have us walking on egg shells and feeling fearful. During this time, we appear to be in the process of losing ourself and losing the precious time w