Live Your True Life Perspectives With Ashley Berges

Find Your Inner Super Powers, Become Un-Mess-with-able with Scott Feld [Ep: 709]



Certified Life Skills Coach for kids and best-selling author, Scott Feld connects with Ashley on Live Your True Life Perspectives. The two will be discussing the process of unlocking kid's inner super powers. Scott and Ashley will be talking about what it means to be un-mess-with-able, unlocking inner powers, seeing the unseen, realizing blind spots, the power of imagination, and power shifting. "Dax to the Max" is Scott's best-selling book that presents the power of imagination and how it can positively impact our lives. You can find "Dax to the Max" on Amazon at: more information on Scott, go to his website at: https://www.mindzenmotion.comThis show is for anyone who wants to clear their mind, find their inner truth, and likes to be inspired by thought, change, and insightful discussion.