Live Your True Life Perspectives With Ashley Berges

Clarity and Strength: Help to See the Relationship Clearly [Ep. 706]



Are you thinking of leaving an unhealthy relationship? Do you need to find the strength to leave and move on? Have you been thinking about leaving and moving on but seem to not have the willpower or energy to leave? Throughout this podcast, I will provide you with real techniques to get clarity and understanding about you and your relationship. I will also help you find the strength needed to see things clearly, and begin to see your life without the other person. Once we see the events of the relationships clearly, we can begin to see why things took place and bring attention to the red flags we didn't want to see. As we look further into the relationship, we will begin to understand parts of the relationship we previously may not have understood. We must look at the crumbs we received during the relationship, because at the time we were unaware that they were crumbs. It is essential to examine your values, understand your values, and be able to see where you and your values have been walked all over. As yo