Live Your True Life Perspectives With Ashley Berges

How to Safeguard yourself from the Challenging and Demanding People in your life. [Ep: 703]



While listening to this podcast, you can take some mindful moments to analyze and see clearly who the challening, demanding, and negative people are in your life. In the beginning of the podcast, I am offering you ways of becoming aware of who they are, understanding the characteristics they will have in common, and how to spot them. Also, I'm discussing why we allow them in our lives and ultimately how to safeguard yourself from them and their energy. Some of these people you can let go of, others we can't but we can get emotional distance.Additional resources:Combat Narcissistic Abuse with the Gray Rock Method, link to the video: more about Toxic Positivity. When does Positivity turns Toxic? Watch or listen to this podcast: you find yourself overexplaining to people who don't get it or don't want to understand you? Over Explaining is a Trap - Are You Trapped? Here's the link to the video: