Empowered Love Radio



Melanie Tonia Evans is an author, radio host, relationship and dating expert and coach. Shes the author of the books Breaking the Chains of Painful Love and Take Back Your Power. Melanies work resulted from her own nearly fatal experiences with narcissistic abuse, co-dependency and relationship addiction. Melanie is now a world expert on empowering women and healing painful love. Her deep core writing, teaching, coaching and healings are now liberating women world wide to stand up and take back their power in order to create a life of deservedness whereby they can attract and sustain genuine and healthy love relationships.Heal the past. Heal yourself. Create real love!www.melanietoniaevans.com


  • When Is It Safe To Date After Narcissistic Abuse? Part 2

    02/10/2015 Duration: 33min

    In Part One of this series we were looking at the essentials of self-partnering, as well as the understanding that we will always attract, be attracted to and accept the people who match our own levels of self-love. When we start to understand that people don’t treat us the way we profess to treat others, but rather identical to the ways we treat and feel about ourselves – we know that an “outer” relationship can never give us ourselves; all it can ever do is reflect back more of the authentic love we already are or aren’t being. This radio show, Part 2, is a deep exploration into “how we show up” whilst dating, and the differences between someone who is self-partnered in their body and someone who isn’t. If you truly wish to get to a place of radiant safety, and the absolute permission to love and be yourself, and have a special other meet you at that level – then please listen to this radio show.

  • When Is It Safe To Date After Narcissistic Abuse? Part 1

    25/09/2015 Duration: 35min

    Do you feel like it's time to start dating again but you are worried and confused about how to choose someone that's right for you? You may be struggling to trust others, and you may have lost your ability to put yourself out there in a comfortable and confident way.  Dating again after narcissistic abuse can be a minefield of confusion and pain if you decide to date too early. You must accept that fact that narcissistic abuse isn’t like a normal relationship breakdown in that there is many things you need to work on before it’s safe to put yourself back into the dating game. In this show I’m going to share exactly when it’s safe to date again and how you can get there.

  • Is It Possible To Truly Love A Narcissist?

    11/09/2015 Duration: 39min

    Loving a narcissist is one of the most traumatic experiences anyone could ever go through. But was it ever really true love? It’s so common to feel the agonising, pain, frustration and loss of “I gave this person so much love and this is how they treated me.” This show is deep dive into the truth about Love, what healthy Love is and isn’t – and the real deal about how our levels of “love” were playing out in narcissistic relationships. If you would like to discover the truth about how we can connect to and experience true Soul Mate relationships, that are nothing like our past narcissistic love experiences, please listen in to this episode of Empowered Love. 

  • The Soul Contract With A Narcissist

    04/09/2015 Duration: 41min

    If this is the case, potentially this would change everything about the way we view these relationships. It could also have a profound effect on how we recover from them. This year, I had an experience that not only confirmed to me that the two narcissists in my life were  Soul Contracts, but also shocked and stunned me regarding exactly “how” that came into being and “what” it was really about. Nothing about my previous spiritual or self-development training could have prepared me for this! In this episode you will not only learn what that was all about, but also deeply recognise in your own journey the reason why we have Soul Contracts with narcissists.  To join me in my next free live 3 hours tele class please go to: http://www.melanietoniaevans.com/thankyou-step2.html

  • The Real Reason Why The Narcissist Punishes You

    14/08/2015 Duration: 35min

    What are the real reasons why a narcissist punishes us? Why are we tapped in abuse with a person like this, and why we can’t seem to let go, move on or heal beyond our suffering.  What are the REAL reasons why we still feel like we love this person? Why do we hang in there making all the justification and excuses whilst paying a terrible price trying to make the relationship work regardless of their horrendous abuse? You will find out exactly why in this radio show. To see the transcript of this show please go to blog.melanietoniaevans.com If you would like to become a part of my free New Life Community and receive regular updates, radio shows and articles as well as 2 free eBooks and a 16 Day free recovery guide, please go to www.melanietoniaevans.com/getstarted

  • Healing From Narcissistic Abuse: Coming Home To Our Bodies

    07/08/2015 Duration: 01h08min

    Why it is vital to come home to inside our bodies in order to heal after narcissistic abuse? In this radio show you will learn all about how we originally got disconnected from “being with ourselves” and what that looks like, how it plays out and how it feels. Maybe we think connecting with our bodies is about eating healthily, or exercising and respecting our physical being. Many of us did not realise that “body-awareness” relates to every aspect of our emotional life – our relationship with ourselves, others and our Higher Power. Until narcissistic abuse most of us had no idea that we weren’t self-partnered, let alone the deadly price of not being self-partnered. This is a deep journey into the Body Connection; the understanding of what it is, and how to do it.    

  • Thriving After Narcissistic Abuse No #27 - Val

    31/07/2015 Duration: 02min

    I'm very excited to bring you this Thriver Story about a woman named Val. Many narcissistic relationships include episodes of rage. However, some narcissists are notorious for these episodes and constant mood swings. If you have been a relationship with a narcissistic rager you will relate to: Feeling like you can't do anything right because the slightest perceived error will result in a barrage of rage. Living in constant fear of what they might do - especially after breaking away from the relationship. Feeling like it's all your fault and being blamed for the rage episodes. Another extremely painful thing that Val went through was bringing up two children with the narcissist. The psychological and physical affects that children get put through when they are in constant fear of a parent is horrendous. If you relate to any of these experiences you are going to find this show incredibly inspiring. I'd love you to listen to the show (by clicking the player above) or reading the show notes. You will lear

  • Narcissistic Abuse: The 5 Victim Illusions

    24/07/2015 Duration: 53min

    This radio show is a follow-on show from last week. Many people contacted me about last week’s show as well as asked questions. This show is a deep look into those questions through the journey of the “5 Victim Illusions”. It is my greatest desire that this radio show helps you release illusions which have been taking you away from healing and not toward it, as well as granting you access to understandings that will transcend your life capacity way beyond abuse. To see the transcript of this show please go to blog.melanietoniaevans.com If you would like to become a part of my free New Life Community and receive regular updates, radio shows and articles as well as 2 free eBooks and a 16 Day free recovery guide, please go to www.melanietoniaevans.com/getstarted

  • The Difference Between Victimisation And Thriving After Narcissistic Abuse

    17/07/2015 Duration: 56min

    A little over a week ago I had an awakening within me that was so powerful there was no ignoring it, and it’s this awakening that motivated me to create this radio show.  We know that narcissists operate from unconsciousness; their True Self has been eradicated and has been replaced by an Egoic Self that is never satisfied.  But it isn’t just narcissists who operate from unconsciousness …  In this article I want to explore how narcissists bring unconsciousness to the surface – granting us a choice... To either stay unconscious and victimized. Or to raise our consciousness and Thrive.  I'm really excited about this radio show, and I hope it shines a light on the truth of this issue which sadly is non-existent in most abuse recovery channels.  Because I truly believe it's time to change that. You can read the transcript to this radio show on my blog at blog.melanietoniaevans.com Please know, if you haven't already, you may sign up to my free New Life Community, where you will receive 2 free eBooks,

  • Healing Childhood Trauma And Avoidance Disorders With Clarie [Thriver Story #26]

    10/07/2015 Duration: 01h58min

    This radio show is Clarie’s Thriver Story. An incredible one that I know many people will relate to. As a result of Clarie’s traumatic childhood she had developed avoidance and dissociation disorders. She had very little memory of her childhood, and had through she had dealt with it, and that she was “okay”. Clarie ended up in a relationship in her 50s with a narcissist, which cracked that illusion wide open. The journey of this radio show is about her N-experience and then how Clarie realised she was sick, and that life could no longer carry on as normal. Clarie tried through intense therapy to be able to connect in her body to her being and to life, but could not access her emotions. In this show you will learn how Clarie finally came home to herself in a way that she described was like looking through a window pane at life but not being able to be in life. After Clarie was able to find and shed layer upon layer of trauma that her True Self had been buried under for years … she was finally freed, and

  • Divorcing A Narcissist - Part Two

    03/07/2015 Duration: 51min

    There really is no wonder that divorcing a narcissist takes the level of trauma of divorce to an unprecedented level – when we consider things such as: the cruel discards and replacing with new partners, new partners attacking you as well as the narcissist, battling over custody and property and the financial losses that generally happen as a result of the relationship, and whilst dealing with legal systems and narcissists in general. Personally, divorcing my ex narcissist was the most excruciating experience I have ever gone through, and my heart truly goes out to you if this is your current experience.  I spent a long time this week completing part two of this series ... as I know exactly how painful going through a divorce can be, and how difficult it is to feel that you will survive this and be able to rebuild your life ... when you are reeling in the agony. I hope this article gives you the insight you need, to overcome this challenge and truly break free to begin your new life. A life free of ab

  • How To Divorce A Narcissist Part 1

    26/06/2015 Duration: 37min

    I think we would all agree that divorce is one of the most excruciating things anyone can go through. Psychologists Thomas Holmes and Richard Rahe in 1967 created a list of the top 43 most stressful life events. Divorce rated the second most stressful, only capped by death of a spouse. That describes a normal divorce. But what about divorcing a narcissist? THAT takes the stress to a whole new level. In this 2 part series I will be covering many aspects of divorcing a narcissist including how to emotionally prepare and accept that the marriage is over, how to get out safetly and then the next steps you need to take to recover from this experience and grow from it.  Please know, if you haven't already, you may sign up to my free New Life Community, where you will receive 2 free eBooks, and an email series called "16 Days To Your New life", and much, much more. To do so, go to www.melanietoniaevans.com/getstarted **Please note - to receive your free resources you will have to open the confirmation email

  • Being The Scapegoat And Trying Everything To Get Approval [Thriver Story #25]

    19/06/2015 Duration: 01h08min

    I’m really excited because today I have another incredible Thriver story. If you were abused as a child, by a parent or family member, you are especially going to want to make some time to listen to this story. It’s pretty incredible! This story is about a Cindy, a wonderful woman within our NARP community and is also a moderator in the NARP forum (Like Phil who I had on the show a few weeks ago). Cindy grew up in dairy farm in Wisconsin with foster parents. Her mother was the narcissist and her father was the co-dependent enabler. She spent her youth growing up trying to win her Mother’s approval and inevitably became the scapegoat of the family. If you grew up with a narcissist in your family you will definitely relate to: Being told you will never amount to anything and trying countless things to win their approval. Being manipulated by shame, guilt, gaslighting and emotional blackmail. And the vicious events of rage that escalated throughout your youth. If you are not yet a member of NA

  • What It Means To Be Addicted To A Narcissist - And How To Break Free From It

    12/06/2015 Duration: 50min

    Feeling “addicted” to the narcissist is one of the most horrible and powerless things about suffering the trauma of narcissistic abuse. The most frustrating is that friends and family and those who care about you cannot comprehend what you are going through. They respond with logical solutions like "just leave him/her"? and "Why do you stay?" In this show I want to deeply explore what it means to be addicted to a narcissist and how you can break free from it.  Please know, if you haven't already, you may sign up to my free New Life Community, where you will receive 2 free eBooks, and an email series called "16 Days To Your New life", and much, much more. To do so, go to www.melanietoniaevans.com/getstarted **Please note - to receive your free resources you will have to open the confirmation email and confirm - so make sure you remember to do that‏. Also, I'm the creator of the narcissistic abuse recovery program which has humbly helped thousands of people from over 50 different countries recover and emp

  • Why Doesn't A Narcissist Want Love, Happiness Or Peace?

    05/06/2015 Duration: 32min

    Are you in a relationship with someone that just doesn’t seem to want to be happy? No matter how much you would love to resolve issues and just get on with enjoying the relationship, this person wants to create trouble and doesn’t seem to want what you want. This is a powerful indicator that you could be in a relationship with a narcissist. Within this radio show you will learn exactly why the narcissist doesn’t enter into or be in relationships in order to have love, happiness or peace – what his or her REAL reasons are  –  and how all of that will play out for you. Please know, if you haven't already, you may sign up to my free New Life Community, where you will receive 2 free eBooks, and an email series called "16 Days To Your New life", and much, much more. To do so, go to www.melanietoniaevans.com/getstarted **Please note - to receive your free resources you will have to open the confirmation email and confirm - so make sure you remember to do that‏. I'm the creator of the narcissistic abuse recov

  • Thriving After Narcissistic Abuse Story #24 Phil

    29/05/2015 Duration: 01h01min

    Today I have a really special interview. Especially if you are a male in this community, I know you will find this interview relatable and insightful. This show is about Phil, who is now one of our senior members in the NARP community. He is a friend of mine, and is also a part of the moderator team in the NARP community.  In this show Phil talks about what it’s like being a man who suffered in silence – being ashamed to talk about it with your friends because you know they wouldn’t understand and only judge you. He also talks about what’s like dealing with the male ego – that voice inside you that says you shouldn’t let a woman take control of you and affect you like that.  I had a wonderful time doing this show and I know you will get a lot out of it.  If you are interested in becoming a NARP member you can find all the information to join here.

  • Narcissistic Abuse - You're Damned If You Do, Damned If You Don't

    22/05/2015 Duration: 43min

    One of the most frustrating things about being narcissistically abused is that you can’t win … It doesn’t matter how hard you try to do the right thing, the narcissist still finds fault with you. However, sometimes they turn on their charm and you can do no wrong… Which is almost always due to the narcissist trying to get something from you. In this radio show I am going to talk about the dynamics of a relationship with a narcissist, why they idolize you and then demean you, and how you can identify these behaviours before it’s too late.  Please know, if you haven't already, you may sign up to my free New Life Community, where you will receive 2 free eBooks, and an email series called "16 Days To Your New life", and much, much more. To do so, go to www.melanietoniaevans.com/getstarted **Please note - to receive your free resources you will have to open the confirmation email and confirm - so make sure you remember to do that‏. Also, I'm the creator of the narcissistic abuse recovery program which has hu

  • How You Can Get Involved In Spreading The Word

    15/05/2015 Duration: 17min

    Today we have quite a different show but I’m really excited about it! One of the reasons is because this is the first ever radio show I have done with my son Zac. This show is for everyone who has experienced results in their life as a result of our Courses and would like to know how they can spread the word and partner with us in this mission. Zac has put together a comprehensive guide for you that will give you the step-by-step instructions of how to get involved which is absolutely free. To sign up go to www.melanietoniaevans.com/partner

  • Special Mother's Day Show

    07/05/2015 Duration: 17min

    To celebrate Mother’s day I have done a special show. This show about womanhood, how women have only in the last few generations are starting to become equal, and the challenges that women face due to belief systems that have carried on from our ancestry. Along with this show I am doing a Mother’s day special on one of my favourite programs – The Transforming Family Of Origin Wounds Course. You can claim your special here: www.melanietoniaevans.com/mothersday

  • What Can We Do About Narcissists?

    01/05/2015 Duration: 32min

    This radio show is a deeper look at the issue of narcissism in our world – the reasons why it is in epidemic proportions and what we have been trying to do to eliminate it, and why that hasn’t worked. This follow-on conversations from last week’s topic about Epigenetics, explores our new science and spirituality model which creates the power to create true change for ourselves personally, and to our world. In this radio show you will learn about how people’s emotional state really gets set up. You will also understand more regarding the new level of awareness and consciousness that is required to emancipate people from unconsciousness and emotional pain, as well as prevent the formation of emotional wounds that create unwholesome and unconscious behaviour in the first place. You can see the transcript of this radio show here at: blog.melanietoniaevans.com and Please know, if you haven't already, you may sign up to my free New Life Community, where you will receive 2 free eBooks, and an email series called

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