Empowered Love Radio

When Is It Safe To Date After Narcissistic Abuse? Part 2



In Part One of this series we were looking at the essentials of self-partnering, as well as the understanding that we will always attract, be attracted to and accept the people who match our own levels of self-love. When we start to understand that people don’t treat us the way we profess to treat others, but rather identical to the ways we treat and feel about ourselves – we know that an “outer” relationship can never give us ourselves; all it can ever do is reflect back more of the authentic love we already are or aren’t being. This radio show, Part 2, is a deep exploration into “how we show up” whilst dating, and the differences between someone who is self-partnered in their body and someone who isn’t. If you truly wish to get to a place of radiant safety, and the absolute permission to love and be yourself, and have a special other meet you at that level – then please listen to this radio show.