Empowered Love Radio



Melanie Tonia Evans is an author, radio host, relationship and dating expert and coach. Shes the author of the books Breaking the Chains of Painful Love and Take Back Your Power. Melanies work resulted from her own nearly fatal experiences with narcissistic abuse, co-dependency and relationship addiction. Melanie is now a world expert on empowering women and healing painful love. Her deep core writing, teaching, coaching and healings are now liberating women world wide to stand up and take back their power in order to create a life of deservedness whereby they can attract and sustain genuine and healthy love relationships.Heal the past. Heal yourself. Create real love!www.melanietoniaevans.com


  • Does The Thriver Model Place The Blame On The Victim?

    24/04/2016 Duration: 38min

    Many people believe if a victim of narcissistic abuse is asked to take responsibility for what happened to them – that they are being “blamed” for the abuse they suffered. Naturally, there a large consensus assert this takes away the accountability from where it should be positioned - which is on the abuser. There is also a lot of belief that the words “blame” and “responsibility” mean the same thing. But do they? Does adopting these beliefs and paths create the same results? Today’s radio show is a very controversial topic, and one that I feel very passionate about bringing out into an open Forum for discussion. It is one regarding victimisation versus Thriving, and how the Thriver Model is confused as victim blaming. To join in the debate please visit the blog here: http://blog.melanietoniaevans.com/does-the-thriver-model-place-the-blame-on-the-victim I love reading and answering all your comments!     

  • Overcoming Abuse When It's All You've Ever Known – Thriver Show #31

    14/04/2016 Duration: 51min

    This week’s Empowered Love Radio Show is an interview with Sylvia, a regular and wonderful contributor to this Community. Sylvia’s journey was narcissistic abuse ever since a child, starting with her mother - and then four narcissistic love relationships in a row. Sylvia had always been able to get up and get on with it, until the last narcissist, who she described as her “big bad wolf”. Even though Sylvia endured extreme behaviour and terrible abuse, it wasn’t until she discovered details about his sexuality that had been hidden from her, that she finally had the strength to leave and never go back. Some time later she realised he was a narcissist, and in fact that many significant people in her past were narcissists. This then led Sylvia to extensively research all she could about narcissists, to try to avoid being abused again - yet multiple narcissists continued to come into her life. Until one day she realised there had to be something much deeper going on - and it had to be something within her ..

  • Why Doesn’t The Narcissist Care About Me – Part 2

    26/03/2016 Duration: 34min

    During Part 2, we will look at how we go beyond the holding of the narcissist accountable to caring for us, and how we can start orientating towards and generating care for ourselves. Why is it NOT true that our life is reliant on whether or not someone else cares for us? How can we empower our children not to need the narcissistic parent to care for them? How can we start authentically generating a Life that does reflect back love, support and care to us? Find out how in this radio show, as well as learn some practical and empowering ways to say “No”.

  • Why Doesn't The Narcissist Care About Me - Part 1

    19/03/2016 Duration: 30min

    This question has been coming up so much in the Community lately, and it is certainly always a really big theme in the Private Facebook 3 Keys Groups. It is one of the most invasive reasons why people can stay hooked to narcissists and keep breaking No Contact, because they are trying to stop the agony of not feeling cared for, and can’t stop trying to make the narcissist care for them … Or they give in to the massive emotional relief when the narcissist, after atrocious behaviour, hoovers and makes signs of caring for them. What this article series is about, is a deep look into why the narcissist does not have the resources "to care" and how we can overcome the trauma and devastation of that. To join in the conversation please visit the blog article: http://blog.melanietoniaevans.com/why-doesnt-the-narcissist-care-about-me-part-1/  

  • Is There A Right Way To Leave A Narcissist?

    11/03/2016 Duration: 30min

    Are you at the stage where you are thinking about or getting ready to leave the narcissist?  This can be an incredibly daunting time and there are so many questions one might have before trying toexert themself from the toxicty of a narcissist relationship.  I hope that this radio show provides the resources you need to gain the courage to move forward into no contact and begin your thriving after narcissistic abuse story.  To access all the links visit the blog here: 

  • How Nora Triumphed Depsite All Odds - Thriver Story #30

    04/03/2016 Duration: 01h13min

      This week’s blog and radio show is a Thriver Show, about a wonderful woman named Nora, who is also one of the Senior Moderators in the NARP Forum. Nora’s story is quite exceptional. Nora is a woman who suffered narcissistic abuse, which included components such as him taking another wife without her consent, and suffering numerous affairs, neglect, and abuse until she experienced severe medical conditions, which affected her brain and heart and almost took her life. This is a story of sheer survival for many years, and then ultimate Thriving after narcissistic abuse. Read the transcript here:  http://blog.melanietoniaevans.com/thriver-story-30-nora

  • A Deeper Look At Idolise, Devalue, Discard - Part 2

    26/02/2016 Duration: 49min

    In Part 2 we will be covering in depth ... How the cycles of idolise, devalue, discard can also affect "normal" relationships (just as a different dynamic and level of intensity). As well as ... How to become up-levelled to a state where a narcissist has nothing left to gain from you and ceases to be able to extract narcissistic supply from you. I also explain how even after you have created No Contact it can seem like the narcissist is still attacking you – psychically. I share how virtually everyone who has been narcissistically abused experiences this and how you can break free from it.  And finally this article covers how to transcend from powerlessness to powerfulness where you no longer feel any feelings of being hooked in, and how you can break free without the trauma of despair, obsession, regret or pain. 

  • A Deeper Look At Idolise, Devalue, Discard - Part 1

    19/02/2016 Duration: 39min

    Idolise, devalue and discard is one of the most painful and horiffic experiences anyone can suffer at the hands of a narcissist.    What is this deadly cycle really about? How does it play out? How can we break away and heal from this cycle than not only  devestates us but addicts us into receiving more devestation?   Find out in this two part series on Empowered Love Radio.     

  • The 4 Blocks That Separate You From Love With Katherine Woodward Thomas

    12/02/2016 Duration: 56min

    Katherine shares the fundamental 4 keys that allow us to become the person we must be to attract and maintain a soulmate relationship.  You can sign up for her world-class event by clicking here:  4 Keys to Release Your Baggage, Blocks and Barriers to Love and Consciously Call In Your Soul Partner.  

  • Ascension, Setting Powerful Intentions For 2016 And My Little Bombshell

    05/02/2016 Duration: 31min

    Welcome back everyone for another year in this incredible community! In this show I discuss the powerful ascension that is taking place in 2016. More and more people are applying the Thriver Model, and doing the inner work to transform themselves and reaping the results in their outer lives. I also discuss just how important purposeful evolution is, and I share some incredibly powerful 2016 intentions from people in the community to inspire you. Please note if you listen to the radio show, you will have the ability to close your eyes, and breathe these intentions in, as I speak them to your soul. What a beautiful way to start off this year, implanting powerful and beautiful intentions into your subconscious to help pave your way forward! Plus I have a little surprise about something that has been going on in my personal life, and some exciting things to look forward to for the coming year at MTE. 

  • What Is Self-Partnering?

    17/12/2015 Duration: 41min

    In this radio show you will learn how not being self-partnered was the number one reason why we were narcissistically abuse, as well as why it is impossible to heal from narcissistic abuse if we don’t come home to “meeting ourselves”. You will also discover exactly what self-partnering is, what the results of doing it achieve, and how it is a template to not only heal ourselves but heal our world. Truly this is one of the most important recovery articles I have ever written, and I hope that it truly inspires you to know there is a way of the hellish pain and into love, freedom and a healthy life.

  • Quantum Realities And Healing From Narcissistic Abuse - Part 2

    11/12/2015 Duration: 44min

    In Part One we discussed some of the templates for Quantum Realities … theories that at the Quantum Level “there is no outside”, and “we are powerful Creators as per the levels of consciousness we are connected to Life at.” During Part 2, we take a deeper dive into the Quantum theories and I share with you information regarding how modern Quantum Information is not modern at all. As well as this part you may have been really waiting for ... How Quantum discoveries such as The Double Split Experiment, The Holograph, Entanglement Theory and Superposition can not only allow us to understand a deeper meaning to life, but also grant us understandings that allow us to heal from narcissistic abuse, and in fact any limitation we have suffered. I totally believe it is Quantum Truths that will set us all free to create a new world. Discover why I believe this in Part 2.  

  • Quantum Realities And Healing From Narcissistic Abuse - Part 1

    04/12/2015 Duration: 41min

    This is the first of a two part series regarding the Quantum Model and how it works in regard to healing from narcissistic abuse. I have been talking a lot lately on YouTube about this topic and people have been asking for a deeper conversation about it. In this radio show you will learn about what “going Quantum” means, and how we can change our “consciousness” to have the power to change ourselves and our lives. By sharing this series I know this will grant you the opportunity to revolutionize your life. If you have any questions or comments please join the conversation with us on the blog: http://blog.melanietoniaevans.com/quantum-realities-and-healing-from-narcissistic-abuse-part-1

  • Thriving After Narcissistic Abuse Story #29 Premi

    27/11/2015 Duration: 01h22min

    Today’s Thriver Show is about Prima, a lady who went through a highly abusive narcissistic marriage that had her eventually fleeing, fearful for her life. He had threatened that if she ever left him he would kill her. Now today Prima has not only recovered herself, her emotions and her life, but she was also recently awarded full legal custody of her two daughters. This occurred despite being initially terrified for her and her daughters that he would charm the courts and no-one would believe her. But one day something completely changed, and what unfolded was nothing short of a miracle. Find out all about this incredible story in today’s Thriver Show. If you have any questions or comments for myelf or Premi please join us over at the blog: http://blog.melanietoniaevans.com

  • Clarifying No Contact - The Common Pitfalls That Keep Us Hooked

    13/11/2015 Duration: 32min

    Anyone that has experienced narcissistic abuse, knows the feeling like black ink and ice running through your veins, when enmeshed with a narcissist. If you don’t achieve No Contact it is like being continually poisoned whilst trying to detox from the poison that is making you so sick. It’s very, very difficult to get well when you are constantly tied up in the battle of trying to survive the onslaughts of narcissistic abuse. Sadly, no contact is often misunderstood, and even when you having “physically” broken contact, there still could be other ties that are unknowingly stunting your ability to recover and get well.  So ... I wanted to clarify exactly what No Contact means and address the common mistakes, to ensure you are not still tied to the narcissist in any way. This allows you to move forward in your recovery, transcend from the cycle of abuse and ultimately Thrive.  Have a question? Share it on our blog: http://blog.melanietoniaevans.com/clarifying-no-contact-the-common-pitfalls-that-keep-us-hook

  • Clarifying No Contact - The Common Pitfalls That Keep Us Hooked

    13/11/2015 Duration: 17min

    No Contact is probably the biggest buzz word in narcissistic abuse recovery, and that’s really no surprise because it’s widely acknowledged that No Contact from a narcissist is vital in order to recover from one. Anyone that has experienced narcissistic abuse, knows the feeling like black ink and ice running through your veins, when enmeshed with a narcissist. If you don’t achieve No Contact it is like being continually poisoned whilst trying to detox from the poison that is making you so sick. It’s very, very difficult to get well when you are constantly tied up in the battle of trying to survive the onslaughts of narcissistic abuse. Sadly, no contact is often misunderstood, and even when you having “physically” broken contact, there still could be other ties that are unknowingly stunting your ability to recover and get well.  So ... I wanted to clarify exactly what No Contact means and address the common mistakes, to ensure you are not still tied to the narcissist in any way. This allows you to move

  • How We Become Better Parents As We Heal

    06/11/2015 Duration: 35min

    So many parents try to fix and help their children deal with narcissistic abuse, but don’t realise that operating from a tormented, agonised emotional state  truly makes matters worse. It grants the narcissist more bullets to shoot you with and incites them to use your children as weapons of war. Making it the highest priority to heal ourselves and lead the way for our children, not only helps diffuse situations with the narcissist, it also grants our children the best emotional platform to earn how to be self-partnered and self-generative and evolve and grow through the situation – profoundly.

  • What To Do When Your Family And Friends Don’t Support You

    29/10/2015 Duration: 29min

    There are many things that are excruciatingly difficult when suffering from narcissistic abuse. One of them commonly being that people close to you seem to have no understanding of the soul rape that you are going through. Often adding insult to injury, people close to you might believe that you are the person who is disturbed and not well, and even making stuff up … Because the accusations you make seem so far away from the “perfect” model person that they portray to everyone else. It has been said before – and it is very true – that narcissist’s have the ability to be street angels/ home devils – and can be very capable of consummate acting that has people turning against you and siding with them. All of this only adds to your feelings of aloneness, not being supported and desperately trying to get people to understand and help you with what you are going through. And despite all your desperate pleas to people to “get” what is happening to you, the more you appeal to them, the less people get it. Let’

  • Why Won't The Narcissist Leave Me Alone?

    23/10/2015 Duration: 28min

    It can seem that narcissists are relentless, and they will not let up abusing, tormenting and punishing you. Many people ask, “How can I stop this happening?” There is no “practical” answer to this, because the narcissist leaving you alone actually has nothing to do with the narcissist, and has everything to do with you. It’s in no way dependent on who the narcissist is and what the narcissist is or isn’t doing. By listening to this radio show you will understand why.  To join me in my next free live tele class please go here: http://www.melanietoniaevans.com/freewebinar

  • Thriving After Narcissistic Abuse #28 Mike And Catsby

    16/10/2015 Duration: 01h05min

    Mike and Catsby are not only in a relationship – they are in a connected, expansive relationship which I call an “evolutionary relationship”. Meaning a soul-mate relationship – one where once we have mated our own soul – a true soul mate can enter our life. This is the ultimate goal of love relationship, and Mike and Catsby share intimately how to achieve it. How, by reaching a certain level of love and connection within yourself, this radiates out into the world and creates the physical manifestation of that love. The showing up of a partner – who with together you can share and generate ease, trust, authenticity and continual positive growth and expansion with. To join Mike and Catsby and become a part of the NARP family go here for the details: www.melanietoniaevans.com/narp Show notes: Altruistic narcissist article: http://blog.mel

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