Empowered Love Radio

Thriving After Narcissistic Abuse No #27 - Val



I'm very excited to bring you this Thriver Story about a woman named Val. Many narcissistic relationships include episodes of rage. However, some narcissists are notorious for these episodes and constant mood swings. If you have been a relationship with a narcissistic rager you will relate to: Feeling like you can't do anything right because the slightest perceived error will result in a barrage of rage. Living in constant fear of what they might do - especially after breaking away from the relationship. Feeling like it's all your fault and being blamed for the rage episodes. Another extremely painful thing that Val went through was bringing up two children with the narcissist. The psychological and physical affects that children get put through when they are in constant fear of a parent is horrendous. If you relate to any of these experiences you are going to find this show incredibly inspiring. I'd love you to listen to the show (by clicking the player above) or reading the show notes. You will lear