Empowered Love Radio

Narcissistic Abuse: The 5 Victim Illusions



This radio show is a follow-on show from last week. Many people contacted me about last week’s show as well as asked questions. This show is a deep look into those questions through the journey of the “5 Victim Illusions”. It is my greatest desire that this radio show helps you release illusions which have been taking you away from healing and not toward it, as well as granting you access to understandings that will transcend your life capacity way beyond abuse. To see the transcript of this show please go to blog.melanietoniaevans.com If you would like to become a part of my free New Life Community and receive regular updates, radio shows and articles as well as 2 free eBooks and a 16 Day free recovery guide, please go to www.melanietoniaevans.com/getstarted