Empowered Love Radio

The Difference Between Victimisation And Thriving After Narcissistic Abuse



A little over a week ago I had an awakening within me that was so powerful there was no ignoring it, and it’s this awakening that motivated me to create this radio show.  We know that narcissists operate from unconsciousness; their True Self has been eradicated and has been replaced by an Egoic Self that is never satisfied.  But it isn’t just narcissists who operate from unconsciousness …  In this article I want to explore how narcissists bring unconsciousness to the surface – granting us a choice... To either stay unconscious and victimized. Or to raise our consciousness and Thrive.  I'm really excited about this radio show, and I hope it shines a light on the truth of this issue which sadly is non-existent in most abuse recovery channels.  Because I truly believe it's time to change that. You can read the transcript to this radio show on my blog at blog.melanietoniaevans.com Please know, if you haven't already, you may sign up to my free New Life Community, where you will receive 2 free eBooks,