Empowered Love Radio



Melanie Tonia Evans is an author, radio host, relationship and dating expert and coach. Shes the author of the books Breaking the Chains of Painful Love and Take Back Your Power. Melanies work resulted from her own nearly fatal experiences with narcissistic abuse, co-dependency and relationship addiction. Melanie is now a world expert on empowering women and healing painful love. Her deep core writing, teaching, coaching and healings are now liberating women world wide to stand up and take back their power in order to create a life of deservedness whereby they can attract and sustain genuine and healthy love relationships.Heal the past. Heal yourself. Create real love!www.melanietoniaevans.com


  • Kicking Co-dependency: Personal Power

    29/06/2010 Duration: 01h00s

    I will be discussing the tips and tricks to get on track and build your self-esteem in order to recreate your life. Within this show we'll be discussing how to align with Energetic Reality to manifest better outcomes, and how toxic situations move us away from our own alignment. We will always discuss how if we listen we DO know that we're out of alignment. How do we listen to ourselves and take vital notice? How do we begin to nurture ourselves and create a new awareness?

  • Interview with NewWings regarding Narcissists and Legal Steps and Strategies

    22/06/2010 Duration: 01h00s

    In this show I'll be talking with NewWings about the journey with narcissists in the legal arena. This show is a must listen to if you are afraid of how to deal with the narcissist legally and need strategies and suggestions as to how to stand in you power within the system. Inevitably endings with narcissists turn legal, and its vital to understand how to get out of the fear of violation and manipulation in order to stand in your power and create the necessary boundaries that are possible to achieve.

  • Narcissist Central with Melanie Tonia Evans and Lisa E. Scott, discussion on who is the narcissist?

    15/06/2010 Duration: 01h00s

    On the show Lisa and I will be discussing the confusion of the narcissist projecting his damaged self on to you. Not only do you believe that there is something terribly wrong with you, you may start to wonder and fear that you are narcissistic as well, or even worse still the one who is the narcissist in the relationship. This may have also been brought on as a result of the narcissist isolating you and devaluing you to friends, family and associates. Learn how to define the difference between the narcissist and the co-dependent, and how to know that even though you are being significantly damaged that the narcissistic defects are not your own. How is it possible not to absorb these projections? What can you do to protect yourself against the projections of being the one continually at fault. What tactics does the narcissist use to project this blame on to you? Virtually every individual who partners with a narcissist lives through this horrible and degrading phenomena. If you have or are suffering this and

  • Kicking Co-dependency - Controlling Partners

    08/06/2010 Duration: 01h00s

    Within this show Ali and I will be discussing Controlling Partners. How do we identify a partner who is controlling? What is okay behaviour and not okay behaviour? How can you protect your self-esteem when you're with a controlling partner? How do you create boundaries? How do you know when there is or isn't hope that the behaviour will change. How do you know when it's time to leave? This show will be a personal favourite of mine as 'controlling partners' have absolutely been my 'Achilles heel'. Learn how your fears and little knowledge of your equal female rights may cause you to unknowingly attract and sustain controlling partners, and keep you 'down' as a result of the guilt of exercising your rights. This will be a wonderful and extremely insightful show! I can't wait!! Please call in with any questions to 347 989 1262 for US callers, and 00 111 347 989 1262 for Aussie callers! Please also post any questions you may have in the chat room.

  • MTE Resource Review - Reviewing New Products & Information

    01/06/2010 Duration: 01h00s

    The opening of my new website www.melanietoniaevans.com is here!! A very exciting time, and I will be talking to you about the vision of my new website, the resources that are available for your empowerment, and the vital information that can change, transform and revolutionise your life! Why is it that we have never really received the education on self-love, self-acceptance, boundaries and other pertinent relationship issues that are so vital for a healthy relationship to ourselves first and then with others in effective, safe and loving ways? We'll explain the information that we all now have access to that simplifies and creates our boundaries, self value and the ability to create real and healthy love.

  • Heather James from Inspiring Mums talking about Creative Awareness for Self Care

    25/05/2010 Duration: 01h00s

    Heather James is the Founder and the Creative Director of Inspiring Mums and her organisation provides inspiration, motivation and self-awareness and encouragement through the Inspiring Mums Creative Workshop, website and resources. Her workshops are designed to help awaken the Inner Artist for personal development and self development, and to also enrich your life for yourself, your family and to create balance, happiness and harmony. Heather and I will be discussing the challenges that Mums face, and how Mums can handle parenting and balancing their lives more effectively. I believe this will be a wonderful show for Mums who feel challenged with everyday life, partnering and parenting, and by listening you will be able to receive some wonderful creative strategies to improve your life. If you would like to call in to the show to ask Heather any questions, the call in number is USA 347 989 1262, and for Australian callers 00 111 347 989 1262. Please also post any questions that you may have in the chat room!

  • Narcissistic Central with Melanie Tonia Evans and Lisa E. Scott

    18/05/2010 Duration: 01h00s

    Due to Lisa being called away on business I'll be interviewing a lady called Susy who has been through narcissitic abuse, and is a regular on narcissism message boards and forums. We'll be discussing the resources that are available for individuals who have suffered narcissistic abuse, and how it is important to align with empowered assistance in order to rise out of victimhood.Learn what you should be looking out for in relation to support, and the assistance that is essential for your recovery. What is the difference between staying stuck in the pain, and moving through and out of the pain?

  • Melanie Tonia Evans - granting answers to submitted questions

    11/05/2010 Duration: 01h00s

    During the last couple of months many questions have been submitted by email in relation to topics on the show. I'll be answering some of the most potent questions that I have received and Ali and I will be discussing how to become aligned and position oneself in rleation to these common topics in order to create the love and life that you desire! This show will be dynamite, and may just provide the answers to your own burning questions!

  • Kicking Co-dependency - Are you Co-dependant?

    04/05/2010 Duration: 01h00s

    In this show I will be discussing the Questions and Answers in regard to understanding whether or not you are co-dependent and the varying degrees of co-dependency. We'll also be discussing setting boundaries and self-empowerment.Why are boundaries so important? How do we realise and implement that we are responsible for our own boundaries? How can we move up into the energy of respecting and supporting ourselves and THEN receiving these commodities from life and others? If you would like to ring in to ask questions, receive guidance or to share you story please call 00 111 347 989 1262 for Australian listners, and 347 989 1262 for US listeners. We'd love to share this show with you!

  • Relationship Expert Melanie Tonia Evans interviews 'NewWings' regarding narcissism in schools

    27/04/2010 Duration: 01h00s

    NewWings is a lady who wishes to remain anonoymous due to her life being in recovery from a narcissistic relationship. NewWings passionately contacted me in regard to discussing the relevance of narcissism in schools and how our children can learn to create boundaries and self-worth to protect them. We'll be discussing the education that children can benefit from, and also how narcissim may be able to be identified and deal with (and maybe even to some extent healed) in the primary years. This information / discussion is sure to be insightful for every parent who is concerned about the effects that narcissism can have on their children at an early age. Clearly, our society needs to do more about this epidemic issue.

  • Narcissist Central: with Melanie Tonia Evans and Lisa E. Scott

    20/04/2010 Duration: 01h00s

    This is the first of Lisa's and my feature program 'Narcissist Central' which is a brand new once a month show in order to raise awareness and education about narcissism. Lisa and I will be discussing aspects of narcissism and are available to talk to callers about any details of narcissism that they would like to discuss. We firmly believe that the knowledge of prevention and recovery of narcissistic abuse is essential in society, as narcissism is often a little understood devestating condition which is in epidemic proportions. Please encourage women you know to listen in to these programmes. This is essential information for women, and also for the daughters of these women. Call in number for any questions is 347 989 1262 (USA Callers) and 00 111 347 989 1262 (Australian Callers). Please also come into the chat room with any questions that you may have.

  • Kicking Co-dependency Show - Onwards & Upwards

    13/04/2010 Duration: 01h00s

    This regular once a month show is a show where two previous co-dependents (myself and Ali) will be discussing many aspects of co-dependency, how it played out in disappointing and abusive relationships, and how to become the source to self necessary to become empowered and free. Please call in with any questions or contributions that you may have USA callers - 347 989 1262 and Aust callers - 00 111 347 989 1262

  • Forgiveness Expert Pamela Gregory discusses Forgiveness

    06/04/2010 Duration: 01h00s

    Pamela is founder of Forgiveness Healing International. It is her mission to bring the healing power of forgiveness to the awareness of everyone on a worldwide basis. Pamela's goal is to establish an International Forgiveness Day that is recognized and celebrated throughout the World. Her message of LOVE and ONENESS is creating a renewed sense of love and compassion within the hearts of those she touches through her work. Pamela has spent over 25 years in the health and wellness industry as a fitness trainer, holistic health practitioner, and nutritional consultant. Her greatest passion is to research empowering ways to help people heal themselves. The primary focus of her work today is in helping others to heal on an emotional, energetic/spiritual level. Pamela blends several very powerful healing modalities including EFT, Heart Forgiveness, Ho'oponopono, Zpoint Process and Divine guidance counseling to create her unique Forgiveness Healing process. This very powerful and effective process RESTORES the bo

  • Relationship Expert Melanie Tonia Evans offering empowerment for callers

    30/03/2010 Duration: 01h00s

    This is your chance to call in to the show and receive my strategies and guidance. Are you in a disempowering relationship? Do you have problems with boundaries? Are you struggling to honour, love and respect yourself? Do you feel that you're struggling with co-dependency, narcissistic abuse or relationship addiction? Are you single and despondent and wanting to know what it takes to meet the man of your dreams? I'll be taking calls and granting strategies and assistance. Also be aware that your story will be many other women's story and by accessing this information, you'll also be assisting others. I'm looking forward to sharing hope and empowerment!!

  • Author Lisa E Scott talks about 'When It's All About Him'.

    23/03/2010 Duration: 01h00s

    Lisa is the author of the Book 'When Its All About Him'. Lisa has a masters degree in Human Resources. Studying and practicing HR gave her a unique perspective on human behavior. Her personal experience of falling for two pathological narcissists is what led her to write “It’s All About Him.” Lisa advocates that narcissism permeates every facet of personal relationships, including work relationships. Lisa connects to people through her book in a way that helps them understand the narcissist in their life. Lisa and I will be discussing narcissism, how to identify a narcissist, why narcissists seek relationships, and why women stay in relationships with narcissists.

  • Relationship expert Melanie Tonia Evans discusses 'Coming out the other side'

    16/03/2010 Duration: 01h00s

    In this very special show I'm going to interview a very courageous young lady, who has been through a surreal life of being hooked and connected to a high level narcissistic relationship that constituted abuse, drugs and destruction. This young lady is now not only an inpiration to herself, but she's also pursuing a career in assisting others. Find out about her story, how the relationship led to her virtual complete disintegration and how she recovered from her previous life. I've been captivated by this young lady, her courage, her story and the message that she has to share with all of us! If you have suffered from, or are struggled with high intensity and painful relationships this is a must listen to show!

  • Holistic Coach Michelle Barr discusses "The Energy of Relationships"

    09/03/2010 Duration: 01h00s

    Michelle Barr, M.Ed.i a Holistic Coach,and an Energy Medicine Intuitive. Michelle has always been called to the healing arts. Over the past 20 years, she has worked in a variety of traditional mental health, wellness and health care settings and has also been involved in non-traditional and alternative and complementary medicine and healing practices.Understanding the energetic dynamics of being in relationship can help you identify and clean up what is your own "stuff" playing out and experience relationships in your life that are more fulfilling, healthier and more authentic.Michelle believes that Inner Healing is a strategy for success.By utilizing a holistic approach that addresses the Body, Mind and Spirit she helps people come to new understandings and ways of being and doing so that they can move into their best expression of life.Listen to my interview with Michelle Barr to learn how understanding "The Energy of Relationships" can help you experience relationships in your life that are more fulfilling

  • Relationship Expert Alida Fehily discusses Values in Relationships

    02/03/2010 Duration: 01h00s

    Alida Fehily is an International Wisdom Consultant, Australian Psychics Association award-winning "Psychic of the Year (WA) 2005”, author of the Keys to Wisdom WIZ-cARDs, an intuitive healer and a Demartini Method Trained Facilitator from The Secret. She has helped thousands of people see their futures more vividly and clearly through face to face consultations, public speaking, radio talks, workshops and internet social media. She helps provide insights into issues that may concern you and also into how you can manifest the life of your dreams. Alida consults for people from all walks of life including business owners, celebrities and entrepreneurs. Alida and I will be discussing how to create the values in our life in a way that we can realise these values, and her philosophy of the 7 areas of life. We'll explore how values play an important role in relationships.

  • Author Karen Langhorne Folan discusses her Book - Don't Bring Home A White Boy

    23/02/2010 Duration: 01h00s

    Karyn Langhorne Folan is a former law professor. Karyn became interested in the many questions surrounding interracial relationships after her marraige to her Irish American husband in 2004. After receiving hundreds of comments from readers after when an essay she wrote on the unique ways black Americans reacted to her relationship was printed in The Washington Post, Karyn decided to explore the issues further. The result is her book Don't Bring Home A White Boy. Karyn and I will be discussing her book, as well as the limtiing beliefs that all women can play out, that may keep them seperated from genuine, loving and safe relationships. Karyn is a firm beleiver that all women need to transcend the cultual beliefs that could be limiting their chances of love and happiness.

  • Relationship Expert Daniela Koenig discusses Attracting Real Love

    16/02/2010 Duration: 01h00s

    Daniela is a certified Relationship Coach and workshop facilitator. She works with people in the USA and Europe. She holds an M.A. in counseling psychology, and Daniela is passionate about supporting individuals and couples with practical tools to create loving, intimate and authentic relationships.I'll be interviewing Daniela in regard to what a conscious, loving relationship is and how to create one. How does self-awareness assist us in attracting the right partner? What do we learn about ourselves when single so as to create a different relationship experience next time? How can men and women, as two different species learn how to come together and connect and communicate in effective ways? How do we move past 'falling in love' into creating a solid, conscious and genuine relationship?

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