Empowered Love Radio

Divorcing A Narcissist - Part Two



There really is no wonder that divorcing a narcissist takes the level of trauma of divorce to an unprecedented level – when we consider things such as: the cruel discards and replacing with new partners, new partners attacking you as well as the narcissist, battling over custody and property and the financial losses that generally happen as a result of the relationship, and whilst dealing with legal systems and narcissists in general. Personally, divorcing my ex narcissist was the most excruciating experience I have ever gone through, and my heart truly goes out to you if this is your current experience.  I spent a long time this week completing part two of this series ... as I know exactly how painful going through a divorce can be, and how difficult it is to feel that you will survive this and be able to rebuild your life ... when you are reeling in the agony. I hope this article gives you the insight you need, to overcome this challenge and truly break free to begin your new life. A life free of ab