Empowered Love Radio

Being The Scapegoat And Trying Everything To Get Approval [Thriver Story #25]



I’m really excited because today I have another incredible Thriver story. If you were abused as a child, by a parent or family member, you are especially going to want to make some time to listen to this story. It’s pretty incredible! This story is about a Cindy, a wonderful woman within our NARP community and is also a moderator in the NARP forum (Like Phil who I had on the show a few weeks ago). Cindy grew up in dairy farm in Wisconsin with foster parents. Her mother was the narcissist and her father was the co-dependent enabler. She spent her youth growing up trying to win her Mother’s approval and inevitably became the scapegoat of the family. If you grew up with a narcissist in your family you will definitely relate to: Being told you will never amount to anything and trying countless things to win their approval. Being manipulated by shame, guilt, gaslighting and emotional blackmail. And the vicious events of rage that escalated throughout your youth. If you are not yet a member of NA