Empowered Love Radio

Healing Childhood Trauma And Avoidance Disorders With Clarie [Thriver Story #26]



This radio show is Clarie’s Thriver Story. An incredible one that I know many people will relate to. As a result of Clarie’s traumatic childhood she had developed avoidance and dissociation disorders. She had very little memory of her childhood, and had through she had dealt with it, and that she was “okay”. Clarie ended up in a relationship in her 50s with a narcissist, which cracked that illusion wide open. The journey of this radio show is about her N-experience and then how Clarie realised she was sick, and that life could no longer carry on as normal. Clarie tried through intense therapy to be able to connect in her body to her being and to life, but could not access her emotions. In this show you will learn how Clarie finally came home to herself in a way that she described was like looking through a window pane at life but not being able to be in life. After Clarie was able to find and shed layer upon layer of trauma that her True Self had been buried under for years … she was finally freed, and