Empowered Couples



Ignite your day with inspiring and authentic interviews with EmPowered Couples that will help you design your own version of what it means to be an Empowered couple. We believe that we can all be thriving physically, financially and spiritually while strengthening our partnership.We are honored to be your hosts, The Freemans, we are authors of the book The New Power Couple, speakers, and Social Entrepreneurs. Alright, here we go.


  • Being a SoulFully Connected Couple : Jim + Ruth Sharon

    24/08/2018 Duration: 37min

    Meet this Soulful Couple, Jim & Ruth Sharon. They work together as licensed therapists turned relationship coaches. Yes, they have a ton of credibility but they have even MORE wisdom and love. You will definitely love their book, Soulful Marriage as well as what they share in this interview. What you will learn: The key elements to a relationship lasting for 5 decades! What it means to be a SoulFul couple How to fill your cup individually to be a better partner for each other How to handle disagreements in a healthy and empowering way How you can keep the energy fresh and exciting after many years together And more! Questions asked in this interview: Rapid Fire: How meet, how long married, where do you live, word to describe marriage? How has marriage changed for you from the first 10 years, to 4 and 5 decades? How did you develop healthy communication habits early on? How do you keep the energy fresh with the same person for that long? Do you prioritize your relationship connection over activities,

  • 3 Morning Habits to do with Your Partner to Have a Powerful Day: The Freemans Episode 28

    08/08/2018 Duration: 17min

    Do you start your morning connected, peaceful and inspired? Or do you start in a rush...hurrying to your phone, to get to a meeting, and barely have a chance to ask your partner what they are doing that day? A common question we receive from couples is about how to start the morning, how to set daily intentions TOGETHER and how to do this in a short period of time, even 10 minutes. Tune in to this mini podcast episode here on iTunes: 3 Morning Habits to do with Your Partner to Have a Powerful Day Whether you have an hour, 10 mins or 30 mins...in this episode you will: Know: the key difference between reacting or responding to life as a couple. Have: 3 ways to proactively start your morning as a couple to be effective, productive and high vibe. Feel: Peaceful and empowered to start your day together.   Other resources: Follow us on Instagram: Join the next Couples Goals Accelerator: See you on the next episode!

  • The Saver and The Spender in a Marriage: Michael + Kelsa

    25/07/2018 Duration: 43min

    Meet Kelsa & Michael Dickey, incredible people, and owners of one of the largest financial coaching company in Arizona. Michael is a self-proclaimed “spender” in the relationship, while Kelsa is a self-proclaimed “saver”. They share so openly and authentically about the lessons they’ve learned in marriage and in business together. You will know just how to handle one person being a saver and one being a spender to have your money work for you. You will have powerful stories and principles about money, parenting and marriage; leaving you feeling peace and connection with your partner as you go on this journey of marriage together.  Questions Asked In This Interview: Kelsa, What held you back from asking Michael for help in the business and with family? Michael, how did you feel when she asked you for full-time help in the business? How can couples have an easier transition into going into business together? How can couples be more open and transparent with the roles at home? What challenges do most couple

  • Turn Jealousy Into Trust: The Freemans

    11/07/2018 Duration: 26min

    The last couple of weeks, several beautiful and smart women shared with us that they feel jealousy when they see their partner talk or text with another female, even if it’s for business or friendship. They shared that the jealousy even turns to resentment and starts to create a pattern of “checking up” on their partner and arguments and disconnection. Whether you’re a male or female, or you’re the jealous one or partnered with someone is jealous; this short episode chat with The Freemans will give you the opportunity to turn that jealousy into trust and become even more connected with your partner.   You will hear in this episode: 3 sources of jealousy 3 ways to shift jealousy into trust How to have your partner support you in transforming your jealousy Quote: “Jealousy is often coming from a past experience that's impacting you now.....but you can release that emotion & move into trust.”

  • Leverage Your Different Skills & Work Together Effectively: Jonathan + Dulcie

    27/06/2018 Duration: 26min

    How is it that a couple would make it on the UK list of top 10 most empowered couple? In this episode you will find out that is exactly what Johnathan and Dulcie have done, as they brought together their lives and business, to run the thriving Fen Dairy Farm in Bungay, U.K. All of their business & relationship success, happiness and connection came from combining their individual and unique talents together to serve a bigger purpose. This is the mark of a power couple. Listen in to discover how you can leverage your different skills to work, play and live together effectively and successfully.  Questions asked in this interview How did you combine your goals and decide to work together? Are you able to balance business and romance or do they blend together? How did you two become one of the top 10 Power Couples in the U.K.? How do you keep fun and play alive in your relationship while also building the business? In this episode you will learn: How to leverage your different skills and talents in work b

  • Living The New American Dream Together: The Freemans

    27/03/2018 Duration: 07min

    The "American Dream" has always been to live in America as the land of opportunity. It was about the ability to have a family you love, move into a great house, drive a nice car, be friends with you neighbor and raise a family.  Is this still your American Dream or is this an "inherited dream" passed along to you by someone else? In this episode the Freemans explore what it really means to live the American Dream and to create a future for you and your relationship that is created by you and not just given to you.  Questions asked in this interview 1) What is your version of the American Dream?  2) Do you have a vision for your life and your relationship that is much bigger than material possessions and even yourself?  In this episode you will learn: We are all meant to be creators of our own unique experience of life. We do not just react to life's circumstances but we use the events in life to create our own vision when we have clarity on our relationship purpose.  Quotes: "It is not about the creation, but

  • Can A Relationship Work With Different Spiritual Beliefs?: The Freemans

    22/03/2018 Duration: 06min

    Getting to know one's spiritual beliefs usually happens pretty early on in a relationship. Its one of those foundations of a relationship where most feel their beliefs must match a potential partner. There are times in established relationships, where an individuals spiritual beliefs change and now may be different from their partners. This can seem difficult to navigate as it seems to people as something that must be "overcome".  In this episode the Freemans dive into how to have a relationship continue and to thrive even when spiritual beliefs may not be the same.  Questions asked in this interview 1) Can you, as a finite human being, truly and fully understand the infinite? 2) Do you fully understand how even a blade of grass works in its entirety? If not is it possible that even your own beliefs of spirituality are not completely understood or necessarily right or wrong?  In this episode you will learn: None of us completely know or experience God, Source or the infinite, so its not about having to have t

  • How To Create Shared Friends In Your Relationship: The Freemans

    19/03/2018 Duration: 08min

    When you first enter into a relationship, isnt one for the first obstacles how to create your combined friends together? Each individual has their friendships coming into a relationship and sometimes deciding how to merge the two, or which ones to spend time with becomes a significant question for the growth of a relationship.  In this episode the Freemans cover the Social aspect of a relationship and how to create a group of friends that support the grow of your relationship vision and have a community that supports both of you!  Questions asked in this interview 1) Do we try and merge our individual groups of friends together into one group? 2) What if I do not like some of the friends my partner has?  In this episode you will learn: How to create a balanced social life together as you form your relationship. How to assess and determine the types of friendships that will best support the growth of your relationship and not be a hindrance.  Quotes: "Your friendships are like your fourth grade teacher. There

  • How The "Honeymoon Phase" Can Last Forever : The Freemans

    15/03/2018 Duration: 07min

    Does the honeymoon phase just go away after some period of time? Is that only in the beginning? Is that only in dating? Is that only when you first get married or is there something we can shift? Is it something we can have the experience of, dare I say for our whole relationship? Together the Freemans dive into the conversation around experiencing the excitement and joy of being in a relationship as the new normal!  Questions asked in this interview What really is the experience of the "honeymoon phase" in a relationship? In this episode you will learn: 1) The honeymoon phase is just the level of uncertainty within your relationship. That you can intentionally elevate all throughout your relationship together. 2) The honeymoon phase is not anything that just fades on its own, its when you stop creating and allow your relationship to be a part of your routine.  Quotes: "As human beings we are program to survive, so being in a relationship for a certain period of time becomes a default part of our life." Resou

  • Only 69% Of People Have More Than $1000 Savings: The Freemans

    13/03/2018 Duration: 06min

    I was taught that I was supposed to save as much as I could and that brought me security. Hence why we talk about what is your meaning of money as a couple, as a couple, but even as an individual inside of your relationship. Is it for security? Is it for status as a for enjoyment or control, and for me, I went to my engineering job, I earned a salary and it was all about stockpiling. It was about making that savings account as big as possible because it brought me a sense of security and can I say that I had a lot of enjoyment around money? No, not really at all. And when I went to purchase by invest into things like clothes or shoes, it was very difficult for me to actually kind of let go actually as I think about this. Contributing and giving to other people was very difficult because now with my mindset stockpiling for security, I always saw items from myself or giving to others as reducing what I had. Questions asked in this interview What does money really mean to you?  Are you thinking too short term ab

  • Challenging Your Partner To Grow Outside Their Comfort Zone: Lon + Sandy

    06/03/2018 Duration: 45min

    What an honor it is to connect with Sandy and Lon in this episode, as not only have they committed themselves to a 54 year marriage, but they have given their past 15 years to helping couples design their own relationship.  Relationships are all about growth as individuals and as a couple, so join us as Sandy and Lon share about how to "challenge" your partner to grow outside their comfort zone.  Questions asked in this interview What would you say is the purpose of a romantic relationship? What do you see is one of the biggest challenges in the current idea of relationships? If a couple feels their life is far off from their ideal design, where can they begin? How can you challenge your partner to grow, when uncomfortable or reach any limitation? How do you handle tense conversations or disagreements? Does it get easier over time? Is there anything you wish you could go back and tell yourselves 20 years ago?   In this episode you will learn: What the highest level intention is for your relationship. How

  • Bring Play & Intimacy Into Your Relationship: Anaiya + Pete

    19/01/2018 Duration: 47min

    This interview is one-of-a-kind with an incredible couple who shares about creating a “New Paradigm” partnership in practical ways. Meet an incredible couple, Anaiya & Pete, living primarily in the South of France. They share about pure miracles in their partnership, including how Pete LITERALLY showed up at Anaiya’s doorstep when she was convinced she would be single. Questions asked in this interview: How did you two meet? Why do you believe people pursue relationship? Why do they want them? Share a little more about what a “new paradigm” partnership is vs an “old paradigm partnership.” How do you know when to just laugh something off or “keep it light” vs when do dive deep into a conversation together? Is there a way you ask each other when you have permission to go deeper into a trigger point or “wound”? What are some ways you keep it fun and light when it could have instead turned into a serious moment? Pete, you said your favorite thing about partnership is “presence,” what does presence look like

  • What If My Partner & I Want Different Things? : The Freemans

    20/12/2017 Duration: 15min

    It is on our hearts to speak on this topic about "What if my partner and I want different things?" as we have heard this from a number of the couples that we have mentored in the last few months.  This may seem like a depressing question to have come up, as it gives the feeling of "SHOOT" are we not on the same page? This can even lead to the thought of: "is this not the right relationship for me?"  Have no fear or dismay, at some point we think most couples will ask this question, as its just a natural function of life... expansion and growth. We are not the same people form year to year so why would your relationship stay the same? This question just points to that its time to revisit and clarify what you both desire and how that fits into your vision together.    Questions asked in this interview: 1) What is your Partnership Vision Statement? 2) What would you like more of in your relationship?   In this episode you will learn: 1) Its about asking better questions 2) The importance of clarity around your v

  • Are Women Expecting Too Much From Men? : Jocelyn Freeman

    22/11/2017 Duration: 13min

    I felt guided to talk today about a question I've received from several women this week (funny enough how it's shown up so much recently) from both single women AND women in relationships: "Am I expecting too much from him?" I love this question because I have had it come up many times. In my marriage sometimes I catch myself asking if I have unrealistic expectations. In this episode I offer you two different questions to ask yourself to find out if you are expecting too much from him AND what you can do about it. Enjoy!   Questions asked in this interview: How do I know if I am expecting too much from him? Are my expectations really just requests I haven’t vocalized yet?   In this episode you will learn: How to fulfill your needs so you are 100% fulfilled and everything he offers is a BONUS. How to communicate your requests to him   Quotes: “When I fill my cup completely and love myself, everything he offers is a bonus on top of it.”   Resources: Connect more with The Freemans at www.MeetTheFreemans.com a

  • I Was Convinced I Would Be Single Forever : Aaron Freeman

    15/11/2017 Duration: 13min

    A friend asked me recently, "I know you are about having other couples fulfill their dreams together. But why are relationships so important to you?" This question made me travel back in time and look over my life as to what relationships meant to me back in grade school and through college.  What I ended up rediscovering is that I honestly believed at one point that not only would I probably never get married, but I would be single forever. My specific religious upbringing rooted fear around premarital sex and with so much evidence that I wasn't desired (being broken up with, cheated on and in one moment, feeling I had no support from my parents) gave me the belief that I was all alone in a dangerous world.  Questions asked in this interview: 1) What beliefs have been limiting you from creating the relationship that fulfills both of your dreams together?  In this episode you will learn: Thankfully, none of us are products of the circumstances that have come up in our lives. However there are many things that

  • How Everyday Life Is An Adventure : Scotty King + Leslie Melody

    11/07/2017 Duration: 30min

    Scotty King & Leslie Medley see everyday life in a whole new way!  Adventure is their fuel for their life and partnership. Scotty & Leslie are an inspiring couple who are truly designing their dream life: travel and contribution. This EmPowered Couple travelled all over the world for six months this year and shared their adventures in a beautiful and thought proving BLOG/VLOG called American Wanderlove. You can see that they are not open to living a life inside any boundaries--they create a freedom lifestyle. In this podcast you will hear: -How they stayed connected while dating long distance (in really creative ways) -How timing in life was a major factor for their relationship being successful. They don’t think they would have worked if they started dating years before they did. -Some of their favorite personal development books -How they were able to travel in Asia for 6 months this last year and come right back to jobs AND MORE.

  • How To Master Marriage & Parenting : Egbert + Joy Savvadra

    25/06/2017 Duration: 29min

    Egbert and Joy live in Tucson AZ and have been married for 17 years with two children, ages 9 and 6 years old. Eggbert is a top retina surgeon and investor while Joy is a miraculous mom, angel investor and has a network marketing business. They love to travel with our family and experience other cultures. It is important to them that their children grow up having compassion, love and empathy for others. This is reflected in the way they interact and communicate with people and shows their mentality around how they raise their children. They feel that a key component to the success of our marriage is open communication. They give us all keys to Mastering Marriage and Parenting. 

  • What It Really Means To Be A Man in the Relationship : Aaron Freeman

    01/06/2017 Duration: 17min

    Join Aaron in this episode to hear about what it means to "Be a Man" in relationships today. Being the man in a relationship used to mean that men were expected to act a certain way in a relationship. Well there is a shift happening as that old paradigm is not working anymore. Maybe it never really has. Guys, here are 4 values and keys to the new way of "being a man" in a relationship, one that leaves you with more peace, satisfaction and to create an extraordinary relationship.  Women, its time men showed up differently, not only so that you can fly and discover your purpose but that relationships can truly be thriving! 

  • Become Unstoppable & Never Settle On Your Dreams : Nyraine + Ymane

    28/03/2017 Duration: 31min

    Tune in to hear this couple, Mr & Mrs Unstoppable. These two radiate the term, "Never settle" because they truly believe that everyone can really partner with someone who brings out their greatness. Hear this couple share about their experience with ending previous marriages and the lessons that changed their perspective on relationships in a beautiful way. They share one of the most empowering views on divorce we have ever heard.Also hear from them about becoming best selling authors on Amazon & their mission with their book, The Poetry of Relationships. These two are making a massive difference and we can see why they are called, Mr & Mrs Unstoppable. Learn more about this couple on their website: www.MrAndMrsUnstoppable. And to connect more with The Freemans, you can find them on Instagram & FB @Meet_TheFreemans and www.newpowercouples.com  

  • Experience Love At Second Sight: Deric + Tiffany Czarapata

    14/03/2017 Duration: 33min

    These two represent individual strength & an unbreakable bond together. Tune in to hear Tiffany & Deric share about their commitment to personal development & how they believe that is KEY to a strong marriage. These two participate in seminars, read books, work with a life coach--all to continuously keep building themselves up and live a phenomenal life. They believe that is what also allows them to work together in business. They thrive in their strengths and their differences and truly love working in a family business. Deric is generous in his sharing about previous barriers that they both worked through in his perception of partnership. This couple is so authentic and fun-loving. You will love to hear their values & their story. You can also find their local business, Pop-A-Lock servicing all over Arizona. popalock.com

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