Empowered Couples

Turn Jealousy Into Trust: The Freemans



The last couple of weeks, several beautiful and smart women shared with us that they feel jealousy when they see their partner talk or text with another female, even if it’s for business or friendship. They shared that the jealousy even turns to resentment and starts to create a pattern of “checking up” on their partner and arguments and disconnection. Whether you’re a male or female, or you’re the jealous one or partnered with someone is jealous; this short episode chat with The Freemans will give you the opportunity to turn that jealousy into trust and become even more connected with your partner.   You will hear in this episode: 3 sources of jealousy 3 ways to shift jealousy into trust How to have your partner support you in transforming your jealousy Quote: “Jealousy is often coming from a past experience that's impacting you now.....but you can release that emotion & move into trust.”