Empowered Couples

Living The New American Dream Together: The Freemans



The "American Dream" has always been to live in America as the land of opportunity. It was about the ability to have a family you love, move into a great house, drive a nice car, be friends with you neighbor and raise a family.  Is this still your American Dream or is this an "inherited dream" passed along to you by someone else? In this episode the Freemans explore what it really means to live the American Dream and to create a future for you and your relationship that is created by you and not just given to you.  Questions asked in this interview 1) What is your version of the American Dream?  2) Do you have a vision for your life and your relationship that is much bigger than material possessions and even yourself?  In this episode you will learn: We are all meant to be creators of our own unique experience of life. We do not just react to life's circumstances but we use the events in life to create our own vision when we have clarity on our relationship purpose.  Quotes: "It is not about the creation, but