Empowered Couples

How The "Honeymoon Phase" Can Last Forever : The Freemans



Does the honeymoon phase just go away after some period of time? Is that only in the beginning? Is that only in dating? Is that only when you first get married or is there something we can shift? Is it something we can have the experience of, dare I say for our whole relationship? Together the Freemans dive into the conversation around experiencing the excitement and joy of being in a relationship as the new normal!  Questions asked in this interview What really is the experience of the "honeymoon phase" in a relationship? In this episode you will learn: 1) The honeymoon phase is just the level of uncertainty within your relationship. That you can intentionally elevate all throughout your relationship together. 2) The honeymoon phase is not anything that just fades on its own, its when you stop creating and allow your relationship to be a part of your routine.  Quotes: "As human beings we are program to survive, so being in a relationship for a certain period of time becomes a default part of our life." Resou