Empowered Couples

Challenging Your Partner To Grow Outside Their Comfort Zone: Lon + Sandy



What an honor it is to connect with Sandy and Lon in this episode, as not only have they committed themselves to a 54 year marriage, but they have given their past 15 years to helping couples design their own relationship.  Relationships are all about growth as individuals and as a couple, so join us as Sandy and Lon share about how to "challenge" your partner to grow outside their comfort zone.  Questions asked in this interview What would you say is the purpose of a romantic relationship? What do you see is one of the biggest challenges in the current idea of relationships? If a couple feels their life is far off from their ideal design, where can they begin? How can you challenge your partner to grow, when uncomfortable or reach any limitation? How do you handle tense conversations or disagreements? Does it get easier over time? Is there anything you wish you could go back and tell yourselves 20 years ago?   In this episode you will learn: What the highest level intention is for your relationship. How