Empowered Couples

The Saver and The Spender in a Marriage: Michael + Kelsa



Meet Kelsa & Michael Dickey, incredible people, and owners of one of the largest financial coaching company in Arizona. Michael is a self-proclaimed “spender” in the relationship, while Kelsa is a self-proclaimed “saver”. They share so openly and authentically about the lessons they’ve learned in marriage and in business together. You will know just how to handle one person being a saver and one being a spender to have your money work for you. You will have powerful stories and principles about money, parenting and marriage; leaving you feeling peace and connection with your partner as you go on this journey of marriage together.  Questions Asked In This Interview: Kelsa, What held you back from asking Michael for help in the business and with family? Michael, how did you feel when she asked you for full-time help in the business? How can couples have an easier transition into going into business together? How can couples be more open and transparent with the roles at home? What challenges do most couple