Empowered Couples



Ignite your day with inspiring and authentic interviews with EmPowered Couples that will help you design your own version of what it means to be an Empowered couple. We believe that we can all be thriving physically, financially and spiritually while strengthening our partnership.We are honored to be your hosts, The Freemans, we are authors of the book The New Power Couple, speakers, and Social Entrepreneurs. Alright, here we go.


  • Reigniting Your Connection In Your Relationship: The Freemans

    15/02/2017 Duration: 23min

    Ignite Your Connection To Your Partner! Tune in to this weeks podcast where we talk about a FAIL-PROOF way to notice when you feel disconnected from your partner & how to re-ignite that deep connection. It starts at the level of communication, where are we holding back what we truly desire to say, and how does that create an experience of disconnection. Hear genuine stories that explain how this applies to ALL relationships at some point or another. These principles can also be applied to friendships and family! See link in bio. And when you enjoy the podcast, please write a review. #PurposefulPartnership #PurposefulLiving

  • Being In It To Win It, Not Just For A Minute : Andrew Annacone + Bela Gandhi

    21/12/2016 Duration: 32min

    Andrew & Bela say, “we aren’t in it for a minute, we are in it to win it.” Tune in to hear this dynamic couple share about shifting their friendship into a romantic partnership. These two are powerful in their careers:  Bela is the Founder of Smart Dating Academy & regularly featured on national media like the Steve Harvey show for her relationship & matchmaking expertise; and Andrew has helped large organizations with powerful strategic planning. AND at the same time, they also balance a beautiful family with two children and 19 years of marriage. Tune in to hear how they use “de-escalation” as a method to break up the energy in arguments; how to facilitate conversations about money; and balancing business & personal life. You won’t want to miss this interview!

  • How Unexpected Partnership Lead To Unexpected Fame : Rob + Allison Dubois

    30/11/2016 Duration: 29min

    Meet Joe + Allison DuBois. While their story inspired the famous Television series, The Medium, their partnership began long before the show.   They met 13 years before this television show shifted their life.   Tune in to hear more about this unique couple.  Not only are they incredible to hear from because they've been a part of the creation of The Amber Alert in Arizona, working with the District Attorney's Office in the Homicide Department, but also because they balance their careers beautifully with their family life.   They are known and respected (both in real life and their television depiction) for parenting three incredible young women & having a thriving relationship.     In this episode you will get:   1)The secrets behind a 23 year marriage and still having fun & keeping play alive. 2)Adapting in relationships, especially when you experience fame overnight & keeping your partnership a priority. 3)Attracting wealth & keeping your priorities in alignment. 4)Keeping the mindset of "Y

  • Grow Your Biz While Growing Your Partnership: Chris + Lori Harder

    10/11/2016 Duration: 30min

    Chris & Lori Harder live in Santa Monica, CA and are all about growing  a business (in their case multiple businesses), creating a huge impact & having fun all while keeping personal boundaries.  They have built a massive 7 figure business around physical health and wellness through nutrition, tailored workouts and creating a tribe of happy people.  Though this journey they have launched their own podcasts with over a million downloads each, written books, invested into socially conscious businesses and shown so many others how to do the same. All of this happens while keeping their marriage and relationship thriving. How do they do it all?  You will LOVE this interview with this beautiful couple, Lori & Chris.     In this episode you will get:   1. How to make sure YOU are taken care of (even while busy) 2. The mindset behind growing together through it all. 3. The way to thrive in your business, especially Network Marketing. 4. The power in finding out what you're "not good at." 5. How to keep r

  • From Creating Your Vision To Making It Reality: Rob Berkley + Debbie Phillips

    26/10/2016 Duration: 35min

    Have you ever thought to yourself, "I have such a big dream for my life and I just don't know how to make it happen"? We have that exact answer for you in this vision driven interview with Rob and Debbie.  This powerful duo will provide you with powerful and and actionable "nuggets" of inspiration that will give you and your partner CLARITY & peace of mind about your future. You'll want to hear from this #NewPowerCouple Debbie is the former deputy press secretary for U.S. Senator John Glenn and founder of “Women on Fire”, a top woman's community for inspiration, strategies and support to live the life of your dreams. She uses her gift to see and nurture other's strengths and talents. Rob is one of the highest ranking Master Certified Coaches with the ICF and has helped thousands of entrepreneurs, executives, couples and corporate teams articulate their mission and strategic direction. He has been described as a cross between Yoda, Gandhi and Perry Mason for the touch of “The Force” he brings to his work.

  • Break The Limits On Your Relationship By Overcoming Fear: The Freemans

    11/10/2016 Duration: 27min

    Join us on this episode where we break through that which holds us all back in life and in relationships.... FEAR. Whether you are dating, recently married or have been married for years, let this episode take your relationship to new heights. 

  • Healing Thru Words: Arnaud St. Paul + Roxana Jones

    12/09/2016 Duration: 36min

    As authors and leaders of an international community, this Power Couple will open your eyes to another level of being partners in business and in life together.  Roxana & Arnaud dive right into their spiritual growth as individuals and in their relationship. Find out how "heartfulness" can elevate your mental, emotional, and spiritual freedom. You might have heard the term "mindfulness," now learn the power of moving from your head and into your heart. Tune in and hear what's possible when two extraordinary people come together with a common vision.

  • Unifying Family, Business & Community : Doug Saunders + Catherine Anaya

    12/09/2016 Duration: 17min

    After believing they would never be open to love again, Catherine & Doug share their keys to overcoming fears and unifying family. Many people know Catherine for her media career as a TV host and her contributions in the community, and Doug for being a highly successful business owner and charisma--but these two share how you can truly thrive in your career AND partnership. Tune in for this genuine, raw and fun conversation. 

  • Living A Rock Star Life & Leaving A Legacy From Faith: Alice + Sheryl Cooper

    12/09/2016 Duration: 36min

    Rock & Roll Legend Alice Cooper and his Wife Sheryl have lived with the high demand of traveling the world and experiencing celebrity for over 40 years! Many of those years were living in the rock & roll party world of (yes you guessed it.... Sex, Drugs, Rock & Roll). Sheryl was trained in classic ballet and met Alice when she was 18 years old and selected to be in one of his shows. She barely knew about rock and roll at the time. She continued to dance with his tour for a year and then they married in 1976 in Mexico. In 2011 Alice was inducted into rock and roll hall of fame and they are both proud of how they "married" classical broadway and rock together. They have 3 kids and live in Arizona. They now have a non-profit Solid Rock Teen Center, that serves inner-city teens in AZ. The Teen Center gives kids a safe place to gather, feel safe and explore their music talents when that would otherwise not be available. Through all of those years this power couple has a strong relationship of love that

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