Empowered Couples

I Was Convinced I Would Be Single Forever : Aaron Freeman



A friend asked me recently, "I know you are about having other couples fulfill their dreams together. But why are relationships so important to you?" This question made me travel back in time and look over my life as to what relationships meant to me back in grade school and through college.  What I ended up rediscovering is that I honestly believed at one point that not only would I probably never get married, but I would be single forever. My specific religious upbringing rooted fear around premarital sex and with so much evidence that I wasn't desired (being broken up with, cheated on and in one moment, feeling I had no support from my parents) gave me the belief that I was all alone in a dangerous world.  Questions asked in this interview: 1) What beliefs have been limiting you from creating the relationship that fulfills both of your dreams together?  In this episode you will learn: Thankfully, none of us are products of the circumstances that have come up in our lives. However there are many things that