Empowered Couples

Bring Play & Intimacy Into Your Relationship: Anaiya + Pete



This interview is one-of-a-kind with an incredible couple who shares about creating a “New Paradigm” partnership in practical ways. Meet an incredible couple, Anaiya & Pete, living primarily in the South of France. They share about pure miracles in their partnership, including how Pete LITERALLY showed up at Anaiya’s doorstep when she was convinced she would be single. Questions asked in this interview: How did you two meet? Why do you believe people pursue relationship? Why do they want them? Share a little more about what a “new paradigm” partnership is vs an “old paradigm partnership.” How do you know when to just laugh something off or “keep it light” vs when do dive deep into a conversation together? Is there a way you ask each other when you have permission to go deeper into a trigger point or “wound”? What are some ways you keep it fun and light when it could have instead turned into a serious moment? Pete, you said your favorite thing about partnership is “presence,” what does presence look like