Empowered Couples

Are Women Expecting Too Much From Men? : Jocelyn Freeman



I felt guided to talk today about a question I've received from several women this week (funny enough how it's shown up so much recently) from both single women AND women in relationships: "Am I expecting too much from him?" I love this question because I have had it come up many times. In my marriage sometimes I catch myself asking if I have unrealistic expectations. In this episode I offer you two different questions to ask yourself to find out if you are expecting too much from him AND what you can do about it. Enjoy!   Questions asked in this interview: How do I know if I am expecting too much from him? Are my expectations really just requests I haven’t vocalized yet?   In this episode you will learn: How to fulfill your needs so you are 100% fulfilled and everything he offers is a BONUS. How to communicate your requests to him   Quotes: “When I fill my cup completely and love myself, everything he offers is a bonus on top of it.”   Resources: Connect more with The Freemans at www.MeetTheFreemans.com a