Le Indagini Di Giovanni Marco Cittadino Romano: Romanzo Storico

Nuova edizione riveduta e variata dall`autore rispetto alla prima edizione.  Avventurosa vicenda dai risvolti magico-satanici e con aspetti polizieschi che si sviluppa...

Purificazione Della Memoria. Giovanni Paolo Ii E La Guarigione Intergenerazionale

Il titolo del libro è un po’ provocatorio: “Purificazione della memoria. Giovanni Paolo II e la guarigione intergenerazionale”. Questo già è mio secondo libro che tocca...

L’albero Della Conoscenza Del Bene E Del Male Secondo Giovanni Paolo Ii

Libro “L’albero della conoscenza del bene e del male secondo Giovanni Paolo II” mette l’uomo nel Paradiso Terrestre di fronte dell’albero della conoscenza del bene e del...

Double Destinies

A surprising journey across continents, backwards and forwards in time....The Parisian writer Anatole France wondered whether chance was the pseudonym of God when He did not want...

Pmp Exam No Problem!: Everything You Need To Know To Pass The Pmp® Exam On Your First Try. Aligned With Pmbok Fifth Edition

THE ESSENTIAL GUIDE TO PREPARE THE PMP EXAMAre you overwhelmed by the tons of information you need to know to pass the PMP exam? You can read a lot of books, watching videos or...

Gianni Takahashi

Motivating people in their everyday lives.

Dr. Giudice's Practical Health Solutions

Helpful Health Tips and StrategiesYou Can Implement

Little Novels Of Sicily

Giovanni Carmelo Verga (2 September 1840 – 27 January 1922) was an Italian realist (Verismo) writer, best known for his depictions of life in his native Sicily, and...

Get Over Procrastination

In psychology it has long been believed that people who procrastinate have a faulty sense of time — thinking they will have more time to get things done than they actually do....

Lose Weight

Losing weight is something that many people struggle with and very few succeed. Yet none of us can afford to stop trying. If we give up on weight loss we are succumbing to the...

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