  • By Henri Bergson
  • Publisher: FV Éditions

The subject of the significance of dreams, so long ignored, has suddenly become a matter of energetic study and of fiery controversy the world over. The cause of this revival of...

An Introduction To Metaphysics
  • By Henri Bergson
  • Duration: 2:05:16
  • Narrator: Albert A. Anderson
  • Publisher: SAGA Egmont

The basic principles that Bergson articulates, especially his way of thinking about reality as a dynamic process and his view of human beings as creative and evolving, should be...

  • By Henri Bergson
  • Duration: 1:09:57
  • Narrator: Douglas Harvey
  • Publisher: Author's Republic

Since the beginning of time human beings have been seeking to understand the mystifying nature of dreams. A dream is a puzzle. I see objects but there is nothing there. I see...

L'énergie Spirituelle
  • By Henri Bergson
  • Publisher: FV Éditions

Henri Bergson, prix Nobel de littérature en 1927, nous offre ici ses réflexions sur les thèmes suivants : - La conscience de la vie- L’âme et le corps- Fantômes de vivants...

A Evolução Criadora - Henry Bergson
  • By Henri Bergson
  • Publisher: Lebooks Editora

Vencedor do prêmio Nobel de 1927, Henri-Louis Bergson (1859 – 1941) nasceu em Paris, França e se consagrou como um dos maiores pensadores franceses na virada do século XX....

Le Rêve Et Son Interprétation (suivi De Henri Bergson : Le Rêve)
  • By Henri Bergson
  • Publisher: FV Éditions

Nos rêves ont-ils une signification ? D'où proviennent-ils ? Quelle est leur relation avec l'inconscient ? Face à ces questions, Sigmund Freud et...

Essai Sur Les Données Immédiates De La Conscience
  • By Henri Bergson
  • Publisher: FV Éditions

"Nous sommes libres quand nos actes émanent de notre personnalité entière".Henri Bergson, Prix Nobel de littérature en 1927, signe ici une oeuvre philosophique incontournable.