Old enemies are back to make life hard for Tarzan in ‘The Beasts of Tarzan’ (1916), the third novel in the thrilling adventure series by Edgar Rice Burroughs. Dividing their...
One day, an ape named Kala finds a small human boy in the jungles of Africa. She names him Tarzan ("White skin" in ape language), and raises him as her own. In time, differences...
In 1888, a young British couple are left behind in an African jungle. Seeing no other way than to make a life for themselves, they've soon built a cabin and had a son. When they...
"There was but a single forlorn hope, and I took it."After being unwillingly transported back to Earth, John Carter finally finds a way back to Mars, exited to be reunited with...
Third and final installment of Burrough's Caspak series, takes on the adventures of Bradley and the other crew members of the U33 after Bowen J. Tyler Jr.'s disappearance from...
It’s 2137 A.D. To civilized Americans, Europe exists only as a legend, an ancient mythic land, a civilization that went mad back in 1914 and tore itself to pieces in a blood-mad...
After Bowen Tyler went missing and sent a message in a bottle letting the world know he was marooned on the legendary island of Caprona, his faithful secretary and friend, Tom...
This follow-up to `Tarzan of the Apes‘ begins where the first novel ended, with Tarzan‘s beloved Jane set to marry his cousin. Disappointed in love, Tarzan leaves for Europe,...
The Return of Tarzan is a novel written by Edgar Rice Burroughs, the second in his series of books about the title character Tarzan. The ape man, feeling rootless in the wake of...
John Carter discovers that a First Born knows the secret of the Temple of the Sun and he and the Holy Hekkador Matai Shang want to rescue the Holy Thern's daughter, who is...