Esoteric Christianity
  • By Annie Besant
  • Publisher: David De Angelis

The object of this book is to suggest certain lines of thought as to the deep truths underlying Christianity, truths generally overlooked, and only too often denied. The generous...

Yoga Introduction
  • By Annie Besant
  • Publisher: Interactive Media

These lectures are intended to give an outline of Yoga, in order to prepare the student to take up, for practical purposes, the Yoga sutras of Patanjali, the chief treatise on...

An Introduction To Yoga
  • By Annie Besant
  • Duration: 4:08:28
  • Narrator: Douglas Harvey
  • Publisher: Author's Republic

These lectures are intended to give an outline of Yoga, in order to prepare the student to take up, for practical purposes, the Yoga sutras of Patanjali, the chief treatise on...

The Nature And Practice Of Yoga
  • By Annie Besant
  • Publisher: Interactive Media

A complete essential introduction to Yoga theory and practice designed as series of lessons covering all key elements such as nature, body, mind, spirituality, different schools...

The Brotherhood Of Religions
  • By Annie Besant
  • Publisher: FV Éditions

« Let us see in detail why we should not quarrel, apart from these general principles. It can be put in a sentence: Because all the great truths of religion are common property,...

A Genealogia do Homem
  • By Annie Besant
  • Publisher: Editora Teosófica

A Genealogia do Homem nos conduz numa viagem fantástica onde aprendemos que a evolução do ser humano não se deu, como Darwin postulava, através de tentativa e erro, e da...

Um estudo sobre a consciência
  • By Annie Besant
  • Publisher: Editora Teosófica

A consciência espiritual é imortal, embora possa necessitar de um cérebro para poder manifestar-se neste mundo físico, como a autora evidencia nas provas da existência da...

Las Leyes De La Vida Superior
  • By Annie Besant
  • Publisher: FV Éditions

3 conferencias por A. Besant : - La conciencia extensa - La Ley del Deber - La Ley des Sacrificio. "Lo mismo ocurre en el mundo espiritual. Podemos ver alguna vez erupciones...

El Poder Del Pensiamento. Su Dominio Y Cultura.
  • By Annie Besant
  • Publisher: FV Éditions

En este libro, la cuestión central es la siguiente : ¿cómo el poder del pensamiento puede cambiar nuestra realidad? Con nuestros pensamientos, ¿cómo podemos librarnos de las...

Autobiografia de Annie Besant
  • By Annie Besant
  • Publisher: Editora Teosófica

Annie Besant ( Londres, 1847- Chennai, 1933) Da sua vida agitada e trabalhosa, narra a autora episódios emocionantes, que aumentam a nossa admiração por esse grande espírito,...

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