From New York Times and USA TODAY bestselling author Cassandra Clare comes an exciting new short story collection that follows Jem Carstairs as he travels through the many Shadow...
The Cruel Prince meets City of Bones in this thrilling urban fantasy set in the magical underworld of Toronto that follows a queer cast of characters racing to stop a serial...
“[Readers] will swoon over the dreamy Chatham and root for Emilie to come out of her shell.”
"Narrator Bahni Turpin nails her portrayal of Rue, a Black teenager who, upon her mother's tragic death, discovers that her long-absent father is a god, that she herself...
“Weepingly funny.” —The Wall Street Journal “Delightful.” —Buzzfeed “Charmed my socks off.” —David Arnold, New York Times...
A funny, practical and ever-so timely guide to the NEWS for 8–12-year-olds. Find out how to understand and navigate 24/7 news, how to spot the facts from the fake . . ....
Emma Fischer is a different teacher. She enjoys teaching life lessons through urban legends. Miss Fischer's students are between 8 and 9 years old, so it is easy to teach students...
There are secrets hidden beneath the ice . . . bring the magic home in the frosty fourth instalment of the bestselling Pinch of Magic Adventures, from the award-winning author...
Dina helps a fellow sea creature who is getting bullied and makes a new friend. She learns to beat bullies without using fists.
A short fantasy tale about a girl named Ana and her adventures in a mystical forest.