From Pit to Pond

See how a backyard hole becomes a beautiful home for many little creeatures.

He Made Trees Live Again

George Nakashima insisted that he was not an artist but his furniture has been exhibited in major art museums.

How I Became a Backyard Biologist

Dan Kriesberg tells how his observations as a child helped him become a wildlife biologist.

How Lobsters Make Music

Spiny lobsters frighten predators by making sounds like a violin.

How the Brain Fools the Eye

Learn about "change blindness"--how we can look at something but not really see it!

Life as a Platypus

Nonfiction poetry spread detailing the lives of platypuses as they build nests, lay eggs, and take care of the babies.

Lots of Kids Live Here

Raising goats may be hard work but Jimmy Search loves it.

Making a Splash

Blindness hasn't prevented record-breaking swimmer Kate Pavlacka from attaining her goals.

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