Empowered Practice

Episode 3: Leo Full Moon; Your Authentic Self is your most Royal Self



Hey EP's, Welcome back and happy Leo Full Moon!  In this episode, we guide you through:  grounding + centering  card draw: balance spirituality with practicality and not allowing our emotions to overtake us balance your own personal expectations spiritual practice can be a living prayer it doesn’t need to be perfect, pretty, or neat, it just has to be authentic to you! Embrace the ebb and flow of emotions and lived experience; it’s all meaningful what parts of yourself are you trying to hide from yourself/others because they are uncomfortable or not in alignment with how you feel most comfortable presenting yourself to the world (to get love, validation, approval)? Honoring and parenting the inner child First, become aware of what needs loving within yourself Next, share only with a very trusted loved one or safe space (coach, therapist) What does it mean to be “practical” about your healing? Ground and love yourself up before putting yourself out to the world (put your NS in a healing state) N