Empowered Practice

Season 4 Episode 12: Cancer New Moon - Ground, Turn Inward, Nurture, Receive



Hello beautiful Empowered Practice Community, We hope this new moon message brings you strength, hope, and practical tools for thriving through these times. May they be medicine to your spirit. Lineup: - ground + centering -Simple Grounding Techniques for these times -Multiple Planets in Retrograde: a time of slowing down, pulling back, and going inward The last time we had this energetic alignment was in 2001; think back to that time - is anything coming up for you to reflect on or bring final release to? Our New Moon Rituals Mercury Retrograde until July 12 - watch your communication and don’t take things personally Retrograde cycle - final dissolving of past patterns and making space for a new way of being Solar eclipse magnifying that energy of letting go of the old and moving into the unknown before the new is embraced The importance of levity and self-love during these times Cancer is a water sign that rules the womb, birth, family, the home, and emotions. How can you nurture yourself? How can you make