Empowered Practice

Season 4: Episode 1: Wolf Full Moon in Cancer



Hi Everyone! Toni and I are sending a big hug welcoming you back to the show!  In this episode, we share BIG LESSONS learned in the last couple months of 2019; anyone else feel like they shedded a lot!?  We talk about the power of RE-LEARNING FUN and embracing our MESSINESS as a sacred part of being human.  Toni shares about this first full moon of the year, the Wolf Moon, and offers us some practices to ground into the energy Jadi shares a simple practice for reconnecting to our interconnectedness with the world around us.  We're sending you so much love and energy! Thank you for joining us and we'd love to hear from YOU: if you have any questions or topics you'd like us to discuss please send them to: JADIENGELS@GMAIL.COM